Friday, August 25, 2017

A Youngster's Apology- the conflict of isms affecting originality of thinking

I think quite a bit, I speak quite a lot and I do write once in a while. But then I do recognize that all of this is influenced by people and ideologies. There is a clutter of too many isms around me. The Greeks, the Indians and Philosophers all over spent an entire lifetime digging fundamental questions just so that they could let the next generation have the fruit of a long journey. I stand as a proud descendent of this rich intellectual heritage. But is my thinking original or am I influenced by isms? The leftists call me a capitalist, the rightists call me a socialist, the religious ones call me a Marxist. the atheists find new labels for every argument- for I have no loyalties. But then, is my thinking original? Well, even my title isn't original, I hope G.H.Hardy won't sue me for that!

Amidst this confusion of economic ideologies, I realize we human beings have come so far! We have eliminated so many diseases, increased the average life expectancy and the standard of living has been improving. So much more could have been achieved, so much more is to be achieved and I'm sure the activists haven't lost faith in the Darwinian forces already. Socialistic thought helps me in ensuring that everybody acquires the threshold capability to achieve something meaningful while the capitalistic paradigm helps me in understanding productivity better. I have had nasty debates with Marxists about how Capitalism evolved new business practices, which most of them are not even aware of. Generally, a Marxist labels every landlord as a thief and my grandfather was a landlord who commanded about 100 farmers and yet I'm a Marxist and yet I speak out against Marxism!

There is a very interesting conundrum I have been grappling with, over the last few weeks. As a teacher I always believed in the Darwinian forces.I hated Jishnu Krishnamurthy Philosophy for the manner in which the so called Alternative Schools implement it, though I love the thoughts and have even greater respect for the man! But then, once I got into even more serious teaching I have had some startling obvservations. Over the last years, I worked with handpicked students who'd compete to get an opportunity to express themselves at the Sciensation platform and yes it was all about "survival of the fittest". But then there is an important rider accompanying Darwin's theory- a specie can survive only if it can adapt to the conditions around it. We come up with post hoc explanations with eulogies of the species which made it, but what about those who didn't? So in my class of 40 students, is it okay if 15 students don't make it?

Let us look at academic performance function (however it is measured)- would you want to optimize the cummulative value of the function or would you want to maximize the score of each and every participant? Does the class stop if a student doesn't understand? Sure, you have personalized learning, but then you have peer discussions which is precisely the reason why we all gather at a place to study. So do the peer discussions stop if a student doesn't understand? If it does, will it affect the learning opportunities of the other students? If you suggest that students should be grouped as per their potential, are we inventing another caste system? Is it possible that the student who didn't follow would bring in fresh perspectives and has stumbled across conceptual hurdles which were just ignored by the rest of the class? This is the probably the Socialism vs Capitalism debate expressed in a different context.

I have been looking to get the best of perspectives out of school students through competitions. I think the phrase sport/game might suit better and this probably comes in due to my Mathematics/Game Theory background. However, I met one Ms Gurveen Kaur, an old lady who has dedicated an entire lifetime for the cause of education. Whenever, I stumble across road blocks, I only think of her and ask myself- would I want to end up like her someday, as someone who has created a huge impact amongst few people and helped in making the "invisible and slow" Darwinian force work? She kept questioning my premise that Games bring the best out of people. But then don't games also make you change your inherent behavior? Doesn't incentive corrupt the natural decision making process?

But then is learning a natural process or do we train the brain? Wait, is the nature vs nurture debate coming up now? Too many threads to be resolved, but then there is one fundamental question here- what is the carrot for all the participants to engage in a Dialogue? Is it just learning? Can a social incentive bring the best out of them? Can some other incentive emerge so that you don't have to use competition as a tool? I have lived the last six years of my entrepreneurial career on this weapon called competition and Ms Gurveen has lived the last six decades fighting against cut throat competition. This is a dilemma which I'd probably understand better as I keep continuing my experiments with competitions and interestingly my next competition is about "Experiments with Truth" on Oct 2nd.

As far as original thinking is concerned, all we know of are either naturofacts or artefacts- we've built our knowledge basis other's thoughts or by observing nature. But wait, this isn't original thinking right, I'm just quoting Michael Shermer here! Let me sound a little more eloquent by quoting Steve Jobs- "Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things."

So please do accept my apology for all the isms which influence my thinking and thank you for listening in to various thoughts and questions which strike me.

Friday, August 11, 2017

An evolutionary Idea - the most powerful idea

Do we have to be patriotic? Do we need nation states?
Is the answer a yes and a no? How about a world without borders?
Can we lose our countrymen? Do we unite them?
Do we care about our nation? Do we care about humanity?
We have been discussing humanity, but there is hate everywhere!
There is hate, there is violence and there is filth everywhere
we have been discussing love, peace and nonviolence,
Do there seems to be an ever widening gap,

An ever widening gap between action and thought,
so why have a dialogue? What is the point of all these discussions?
Why discuss ideas which remain ideas for ever? Why discuss at all?
Is cynicism the new age pragmatism? Do we have a hope for a better tomorrow?
Do we need a revolution to overthrow the old? Do we even need the new?
Well, an even more powerful force has already been working!
We have come out of the feudal age into a democratic age, how ever imperfect they are,
Well evolution is probably the most powerful revolution, a slow one though

Since the powerful action is a thought,
A thought can create a dream,
a dream of a better tomorrow,
of nation where little children will one day live,
where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character
and yes dreams do come true
As the most powerful actions start with a thought

The world discussed Marx, Darwin, Adam Smith,
the world discussed socialism, capitalism,
the world discussed science, the world discussed religion,
the world read Ayn Rand, the world discussed John Rawls,
the world discussed free markets, the world discussed opportunities,
the world discussed justice, the world discussed empowerment,
the world discussed merit, the world discussed equality of opportunity,
the world discussed affirmative action, the world discussed special rights,

The world has discussed many great thoughts,
the world has discussed humanity, ethics, justice,
the world is moving towards an inclusive future,
the world has discussed science, engineering, medicine
the world will hopefully move into a powerful tomorrow,
the world has discussed environment, sustainability, development
the world will hopefully be a better place tomorrow,
the world will hopefully continue to discuss

While it is easy to discuss and spread hate,
an idea of love may require a lifetime,
a Hitler, a Saddam Hussain and a Stalin made it big, 
may be right, may be wrong, we may critique them,
that might be debatable, it may be not,
but few would question the intensions
of a Gandhi,a Mandela and a Martin Luther King had to wait,
and a critique of their struggles only produces a powerful thought

Here is one powerful idea which has been discussed,
we don't exactly know when it started, but it's been a long time,
this is an idea of humanity, of empathy, of oneness,
an idea that I am God and so are others,
an idea discussed by theists, atheists and agnostics alike,
an idea of curiosity, of creativity and consilience,
an idea discussed by spiritualists and materialists alike,
an Idea of love, an Idea of a land to discuss ideas

This powerful idea gave the world so many thoughts,
This powerful idea gave the world so many thinkers,
This powerful idea evolved a land which continued to grow,
A land which continued to care for its people, where the poor have a voice,
where the poor will hopefully have a better tomorrow, where the fight never ends,
fight against oppresion shall never end, for the land cares for the last man standing,
An idea of a land which looks beyond borders, for the still larger cause of humanity,
A land which welcomed ideas, which stuck with core values, a land which always evolved into a better self

Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome you to discuss one of the most powerful ideas,
one of the most amazing ideas ever discussed in the history of mankind,
we welcome you to the 71st birthday party of the world's largest democracy,
we welcome you to a discussion on Idea of India, an evolutionary idea, a very powerful idea!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

On Casteism in Films

They say India was a great civilisation, they say India had great technology- Pushpak Viman, Atom bomb and there are so many stories out there. I am not sure how many of them are true, but certainly India has made several great advances to astronomy, mathematics, surgery and several other disciplines- properly documented through books and other publications. One of the oldest civilisations in the world, with so many water bodies, with such a strong intellectual past, is still a developing economy and I ask why?

Root cause Analysis
They tell me Britishers ruined India, but how did Britishers succeed in getting into India, didn't Indians have proper defense, if they had such advance technology? They say Mughals and Islamic invaders plundered Indian universities, but the same question again. They say Indians converted to Buddhism and took up nonviolence. Well, whatever the reason may be, one argument seems convincing- lots of Indian were not empowered, thanks to caste system. India as a civilisation cannot rise up unless more than half of the population gets empowered.

Indian Politics
We say Indian Politics is bad and that corrupt candidates win due to the caste factor. But why do poor people vote on the basis of caste? Socio-Psychological analysis reveals that the weak people form identity groups when they feel threatened, that they wouldn't get opportunities. A poor man doesn't have the luxury of propagating the caste system, especially if he is the oppressed one. The bad politics will probably continue until everybody gets equal opportunities, without having to depend on their caste based identity groups. The bad politics can be killed only by killing the caste system.

The Purity Argument
Ambedkar, in his essay, notes that any religion based caste system revolves around the "purity" argument- that a few races are purer than the others. This convinces a few races that they are actually inferior at birth and helps the so called "pure" race is asserting their supremacy over the society. There is an integrated marketing campaign to assert this "purity argument"- through stories, traditions, music, dance and various art forms- through popular culture. 

"Purity Argument" in Modern films
There is a Grandfather who is a pure dude, always prays God, is committed to religion and is highly respected in the society. Look at his dressing and the ornaments he wears. The movie creates an aspiration in audiences' minds, to live like him. The audience come out of the film admiring the presentation of Indian culture and values. However, the caste system wouldn't let everyone get an equal chance of living that role, and even worse discriminate those who are not like him- sadly for an accident of birth.

Impact on Women
These films try and describe who an ideal woman is- the pallu plays a very important role here. She is supposed to respect men, cook food very well, get into one or two art forms and take care of family members. I am not quite sure if the idea of women empowerment can be taken forward if such movies keep releasing. Doesn't this reinforce the stereotypes that women are not equal to men and should stay back at home?

Impact on Growing Children
These films don't let the children probe and pursue perspectives around the society. They are shown examplars and not allowed to question. Anyone questioning the grandpa(in the film) is an illmannered kid. Curiosity is bad and one musn't question culture or god, one must try to protect it. This kills the child's curiosity and often also affects the professional development of the child.

Softcore Reforms
Although these films try and promote the purity argument, they have to be camoflaged into reformist films. So they should a stance against dowry system or Sati system which are even worse. This is a commendable job, but then the idea of purity itself has to be dismissed, to work towards the idea of parity and equality. Nomatter how many reforms are discussed in the film, the purity argument is good enough to ensure that our caste system stays intact. For, purity argument is the basis of any religious caste system. 

Subtle Brainwashing
Hate speech is extreme enough for people to notice. But then subtle brainwashing is even more dangerous as the core message is camoflaged around seemingly positive and progressive message. These films show a lot of social work- the protagonist helps people, pursues arts- which is all great stuff, but then the subtle message- "the purity argument" is deadly.

Why I am writing this
I have grown up watching these shitty films, I hail from a so called "upper caste" family with these "sanskaari" values, which deprived me of a chance to explore human values, which I got only after pursuing a science course and learning to question underlying assumptions. I understood what is privilege only after deep introspection.

Whether you like the film or hate the film, I'd like to request you to think about caste system- it is possibly the biggest force stopping India from growing into a superpower. I may have hurt you with these argument, but the intent is only to speak out against the purity argument and to try and present the parity argument- that we are all equal, with a potential, with dreams and we can all build a great country.

Monday, March 27, 2017

By Doing Nothing

Every warrior wants to know something,
Every warrior finds a few important questions,
Questions whose answers mattered a lot,
whose answers could decide a war

The philosophers probed these questions,
and arrived at an answer, a very simple answer,
yet, the warrior wouldn't accept it,
even if he did, he can't implement it

The philosopher goes into the details,
explains how the nature works,
how great artists work,
and proves the elegance of the solution

The warrior buys in and walks in,
determined to implement the plan,
but he ends up ruining the plan,
he just can't implement the plan

He realizes it is humanly impossible,
to do this, to implement this plan,
how do you build the mental strength,
to be able to stay put and to implement it?

The philosopher explains,
if it is so hard to implement,
it is equally hard to anticipate,
you change the battle-field!

you change the battle-field,
to your advantage and play,
play the game your way,
take that for an advantage

Tzu points out the chairs,
the wheel and the hollows,
he points out the power of nothing,
the power of doing nothing!

Things have so many features,
that brings out value,
they have hollows,
which bring out utility

The most elegant things emerge,
when you discover what and how,
not to do something, how to hold,
how to hold your horses.

Are you like a sculptor,
to add wood, subtract wood,
repeat and wait?
again,it is the power of the hollows!

So if you're terribly confused about life,
you're probably ignoring this supreme power,
the power of doing nothing,
that's the secret of elegance!

Inspired by personal experience (of being unable to do nothing) and the book - "In Pursuit of Elegance by Mtthew E May"

Friday, March 24, 2017

Education- Spreading Love

I had entered the education space, informally in 2008, as a 11th class student, due to my passion for teaching Mathematics. Back then, one single question drove me- "Why can't fifth graders be taught differential calculus, if they'd like to?". I started off with the objective of teaching 'higher order' concepts early, so that kids can accelerate their careers, However, my perspective evolved over the years. I have now begun to look at something more fundamental.

I had been mentoring Einstein, a 7th grader of Tejasvi Vidyaranya, a wonder kid who is full of ideas and questions. I feel so happy whenever I get to speak to Einstein, whenever I get to ask him questions, draw answers or listen to his endless questions. Infact I'm often accussed of being biased towards him and supporting him for whatever he does, He had stunned me with an amazing display of answers (he is insanely awesome with questioning, but sometimes his answers blow your mind) at Hack your MVP, an entrepreneurship competition at JNTU.

Einstein presented his idea of developing a software patch to make latest computer run on incompatible computers with obsolete hardware/software. His marketing strategy was to get YouTubers to write about his software. Here is the Q&A which followed.
Panchajanya: What if the Youtuber call your programme shit and refuse to write about it?
Einstein: It is good for me, I will find out why it is shit and fix those problems.
Anjali: Why did you choose only YouTube?
Einstein: Computers gamers are always on the PC, they don't have time for TV or newspapers.
Judge: What if your YouTube strategy fails?
Einstein: I will try two or more other websites, if that fails too, I will change my idea.
Judge: Why not try from the beginning itself?
Einstein: I would like to build my foundation with YouTube first. Once the foundation is strong, I can get into say Facebook and if Facebook fails, I will atleast have YouTube. I will focus my energy on building one platform.

You may want to note that Einstein started his last answer by telling the judges- "Tarun sir actually taught me this, about having a solid foundation". There is this age old dilemma or conundrum of whether you'd place all your eggs inside the basket. And then a maverick questions- why not, if the basket is actually a safe one- which is precisely what Einstein was going after.

It was an amazing feat, to see young kids think and speak so well at the event. The orientation went for 1.5 days, before the competition. We wondered what we did in those 1.5 days, which got those outcomes and how do we scale that, to impact more kids? My colleague Prudhvi responds- "they travelled with us". I somehow think that is precisely the objective of education- to get the kids to travel with somebody who has got a few insights to offer- to enable a baton pass from one generation to the other or to place the child on the proverbial shoulders of the giants. But then, how do we do that?

I think education is all about spreading love. Would you enjoy the success of the student as much as his/her parents would? I think what made me pursue this startup for 5.5 years, with little or no revenues is the success of my students and the warmth displayed by them and their parents. Once an educator can own the future of a student, then education is nothing but transfer of love. The child connects with the teacher, picks up problems, perseveres and pursues it to meaningful conclusion.

We talk about teacher training and improving the quality of education. But then, I think, more than the content aspect, the connect/context aspect becomes extremely important- how else can you activate the child? You can tell stories, but how do you ignite so many questions? I believe the child deserves attention and needs somebody to speak to.

Most questions might be trivial, might have answers on the internet, but the child needs a human interaction, to understand his/her feelings and help him/her to achieve success. At the end of the day, it is this attention which wins the child and once that happens the child wins the game for you. At Sciensation, we are working towards being that person who is always there for the child when he/she needs us- someone who is there to listen to their voice.

The purpose of education is proabably to give attention, spread love and nurture curiosty. Once a child is happy, confident and curious, self-learning is naturally activated.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Awesome Jungle

I love the jungle, it has so many stories to tell,
so many stories, oflate I found one amazing story,
a story of life, a story to remember for a life-time,
a small little story, a profound story, yet a story to be told.

In that jungle lived two small trees,
they lived right next to each other,
they grew together, their leaves danced together,
they enjoyed the breeze, they enjoyed the rains,

But the joy was shortlived,
not every moment of life is the same,
not every breeze unites the trees,
not every drop dances off the leaves.

One big storm, with all its might,
took off one of the trees,
however, the tree could rebuild,
the tree could grow up once again.

But then, he was a plant and the other a tree,
they could no longer dance together,
they could no longer rock together,
the tree would outgrow the plant.

The plant needed to catch up,
the plant had to convince the tree,
of the beautiful moments together,
of the dream of growing together.

The beautiful moments may be hard,
but they bring you together,
that's when the plant values the tree,
that's when the plant tries to grow faster

the plant had to restart from the scratch,
the plant had to dance with the tree,
in it's own small way, to win the tree,
so that they could grow up once again

it was definitely not easy,
but the plant new, he wanted to catch up,
he was game, he made frantic efforts,
will the efforts go in vain?

Only time will be able to tell,
but then the jungle has so many stories to tell,
people come in, people go, out of your life,
but then there are a few, who are there to stay

so when a storm takes you down,
how do you restart, how you go back,
how do you recall the beautiful moments
how do you catch up, how do you reunite

the jungle has so many awesome stories to tell,
the jungle tells you not to leave a few people,
who'd be there for you, for a life-time,
but would they stay, well only time can tell

Whatever the answers are,
whatever the choices are,
I have heard so many stories,
for, I'm in the awesome jungle

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The 'Mess' list

College Days or Happy Days?
Bunk classes or listen to lectures?
What to do and what not to do?
I wonder, what is college life about!

Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates chose to startup,
Steve Jobs chose to wander around,
Chris Nolan chose to produce a lot of short-films.
And I was messing around!

I bunked classes, screwed my grades!
founded new clubs, led a fest,
wrote blogs, did short films,
did research projects, founded a startup!

But did I ruin my life?
I recall my college life and I repent,
my mess-list wasn't long enough
it was just one stanza long!

I am no Jobs, was no Gates, they're geeks!
But. are we different? Were they like me?
They may be they were nerdy or crazy,
but definitely not studious or disciplined.

They surely loved breaking rules,
they were the true rebels,
they were day-dreamers,
with a nice and long mess-list!

Little did they know,
that the little 'mess'es would grow,
into gigantic multi-national corporations
or into several-million-dollar films.

Were they lucky to discover what they loved?
Were they lucky to match passion with profession?
Do we have to serious towards our career?
How important is fun in our lives?

May be. rebels live life, to the fullest.
They don't wait for weekends,
they don't have to run away from their lives,
every moment is intense and fun!

So may be you're missing something,
if you haven't found your passion,
may be there is a lot in store for you,
do recognize the vistas of opportunities

Is it scary? Is it intimidating?
Can't leave the comfort zones?
Well, may be, a whole new world,
is waiting for you, break yourself free!

You could stand out,
You could express yourself,
And yes you could etch,
your story forever, within history!

Jobs, Zuckerberg, Nolan did,
so go ahead,break the shackles,
and etch your story, within history,
fill a poem with a mess-list!

------    PS   ------
Random thoughts post confusing discussions about Indian undergraduate students. My unlucky number of stanzas of confusion for young friends who are currently going through their happiest days of life.

To know my startup story- Sciensation which I founded at 19

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Awesome Life

Startled and perplexed by the externalities,
Awed and pumped by the internalities,
Yearning for more such impasses,
More, give me more exigencies, I ask!

Energy and enthusiasm they say,
Knowledge and Consilience, they miss,
Overflow of emotions and passion they say,
Yeard of philosophy they fail too see!

Cheerful navigating through adversaries,
Hustling past the barriers, I ponder,
Understanding the plot, I wonder,
Life empathizes, I realize!

Real I am, I'm Sanguine I exclaim,
I know right says life,
Ambling through, I chicken out, but,
I know right says life again!

Enablers they are, though they constrain expression,
Leaving me with few and newer possibilities, the secret!
Rejuvenating my thirst for the quest, this is my shortest!
First few letters, first few thoughts, reveal it all,

Truth be told, I did write a wishlist,
And I was exhilarated by what I've got,
Ecstatically, I introspect, I met my dreams,
Euphorically, I scream-"I'm in love with my life"

Monday, January 23, 2017

Sciensation Pedagogy Program

Problem Statement: How do redesign our curriculum/pedagogy/assessments so as to induce a philosophical understanding of the subject.


  1. Insights/Universal Principles: Insights over information, universal principals derived out of the inventory of facts.
  2. Connecting the dots: How does the student apply this knowledge in an other context?
  3. Assumptions- more from less for more: Fewer laws which can produce more logical predictions which could in turn explain a lot of phenomenon.
  4. Intuitive Presentation: An analogy/metaphor to implant the abstract formalism into the students' worldview.
  5. Strategy: Improve the child's understand of strategy and decision making. 
  6. Discovery Thinking: The context of the discovery can be presented so that the child learns the process of a discovery and can experience the eureka moments and the elegance of the concept.
  7. Research Questions: The student can be exposed to research questions, explored by the academia.
  8. Problem Solving: Analysis of the curriculum material can be followed by a synthesis project where the student solves a problem or creates something.
  9. Academic Rigor: The student shall be asked to present and all his arguments shall be critically questioned for evidence/proofs. Questions shall reveal the conceptuals gaps  of the child's understanding.
  10. Inquiry Based Learning: The curriculum can be transformed into questions through which the child discovers the concepts himself. Assessments can utilize higher order questions which test the understanding of the thought process rather than the content (open book assessments could be preferred).
  11. Philosophy of X: The educators can be provided material which helps them in understanding the Philosophy of the discipline, which could promote an elegant, simple and appliable understanding of the discipline.
  12. Worldview: The lesson plan must foreshadow how the class could evolve it's worldview.

Insights/Universal Principles
  1. "Second largest kindgom chooses aggressive warfare while the number one player chooses defensive warfare. The next few empires can choose flanking warfare while small groups are better off engaging in guerilla warfare"

    This is Jack Trout's retelling of Claussewitz's strategies as described in the book "On War". This idea can be applied in a variety of contexts. It explains how a player can attack other players, basis the amount of resources he has. Veerappan would be better confining himself inside Nallamalla forests whose terrain remains his strength and his adversary's adversary. Google better focus on defending its user base from invaders, they needn't attack any competitors head-on, which only gives them mileage.
  2. "Constitution: A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed."

    This could be presented through inquiry based learning/discovery thinking approach. Discussion starts off with questions around why we need to live in a society and why we need collective action. We then discuss need for permanent institutions and procedural convictions to establish authority and hence the constitution. The various aspects of the constitutions can be defined by brainstorming a constitution for governing hobby classes.

    A problem solving activity could be handed out at the end of the session, with students working on ammendments/ appendices or may be a constitution of their own.
  3. "To introduce the concept of electron delocalization from the perspective of molecular orbitals, to understand the relationship between electron delocalization and resonance, and to learn the principles of electron movement used in writing resonance structures in Lewis notation, known as the curved arrow formalism"

    Middle monkey game could be used to introduce students to the idea of delocalization. An analogy could be constructed- ball: electron, boys: atoms and middle monkey: electrophile. The students could then appreciate why electron charge delocalization is essentially, keeping in mind the subatomic electro-magnetic interactions which govern the electron dynamics.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Philosopher's Enigma

This world is beautiful,
This world is strange,
This world is endless,
This world is a myth

Give up the emotions,
and the myth breaks down,
Give up the material,
and the mystery reveals itself

The emotions trap you,
inside a material vortex,
which clouds your experience,
and makes you run,

makes you run relentlessly,
in search of the berries,
leaving behind the bodhi,
and the ultimate quest

you are confused, you run,
you chase the royal coins, 
infatuated by the patina,
ignoring your desiny

but that's until you find her,
her enthusiasm shows the way,
her excitement propels you all through,
and then you're apparently enlightened

after experiecing the stroke of insight,
you introspect and you ask yourself
you kept chasing what you wanted,
and then you find what you needed

you've finally experienced it,
the stroke of insight,
and you don't believe it,
you are terrified, you're puzzled

you don't know how to react,
you're happy, you're astonished,
you're full of emotions, you don't know why
and so you ask - who is she?

Is she destiny?
Is she happiness?
Is she ecstacy?
Who is she?

Whoever she is?
you've got to find her,
for, she can get you out,
of these cobwebs

The successful men may have
a women behind them or they may not, 
but they have had this experience
but they can't help you!

How do you find her?
No one knows!
No one wants to know!
You'd have to find her!

And you don't want to,
give up this time,
you will search,
you won't give up

she is no emotion, she is 
the inspiration, the motivation,
you really wanna find her,
but who is she?

She's beyond words,,
She's beyond experience,
She's the Poet's Ecstacy!
She's the Philosopher's Enigma!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Amazing Mirror

The world's best mirror,
shines a new reflection,
of the world's best person,
as a completely new character

The motivational mirror,
reflects the colors in me,
evolves my persona,
and pumps energy!

The mentor mirror,
listens patiently,
reflects the inner voice,
and nurtures curiosity!

The emotive mirror,
shows my world,
the world in me,
and imbibes empathy!

The reflective mirror,
questions every moment,
exhausts knowledge,
and nurtures humility!

The reciprocative mirror,
embarrases me, embraces me,
fill me with hope,
and inspires positivity,

The smiling mirror,
runs me out of words,
fills me with emotions,
and drives me into ecstacy!

The amazing mirror,
Well, thank you mirror,
thank you for your existence,
for, you evolve my existence,

I'd like to thank you,
every grain of you,
but how? how do I?
May be I already have!

You're the philosophical mirror,
You're the most powerful force,
you're the world's best mirror,
you're the most amazing mirror! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Lone Warrior

I am a Lone Warrior, I keep marching,
with a goal in mind, I keep marching,
in search of my destiny, I keep marching,
towards a better tomorrow, I keep marching

I may be alone today, I had an army yesterday,
I may be alone today, I will have an army tomorrow,
For now, I am on a mission, I am my army,
with head held high, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

I experience highs, I experience lows, I experience them all,
I have won games, I have lost games, I have played them all,
winning from the jaws of victory,taught me character,
obiliviously, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior,

The ever evolving character helps me navigate through times,
through the day, I am a Leader, advancing swiftly,
through the night, I am a Protector, I staying behind,
leading the pack, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior,

Now that I am alone, I move faster, exploring,
I see more, inspecting the terrain, visualizing the tactics,
I eat anything I find, calculating, anticipating the future,
with new lessons, I keep marching, I am a lone warrior,

These lonely days are not many, I need to learn fast,
every single creature has so many stories to tell me,
the worth of every single resource has to be understood,
learning through, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

Refusing to give up, digging through my mistakes, I learn,
to seek a new beginning, to conquer newer frontiers,
positioning myself strategically, for a better tomorrow,
Perseverantly, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

My horse asks, are you alone, My breath asks me,
My energies ask me, My wisdom ask me, are you alone?
I realize the strongest of all armies, I realize me,
with new found energy, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

Wherever I go, the skies give me a thundrous welcome,
I hear newer and newer songs which keep me going,
the adrenaline rush takes me to newer highs,
I keep marching though, I am a Lone Warrior

My horse is the lookout for newer pastures,
I am on the lookout for newer waters,
just so that my people find newer fortunes,
with hope, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

My people join me, my character joins them,
my new found wisdom guides me, guides them,
we wake to the opportunities we never saw,
triumphantly, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior,

My people are now etched in pages of history,
as heroes, generations will now remember us forever, 
we'd go down some day, but our legacy is here to stay,
well, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

I have a tale to tell the generations, it is my story,
I have always found newer territories alone,
I have always conquered them with my army,
and so, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

As a king, as a fighter, I disown the praise,
leaving the songs to my men, I move forward,
towards what keeps me going, newer opportunities,
I explore, I keep marching, I am a Lone Warrior

Waking up to the inspiration, I release the brake,
I get back moving, to join the waiting army,
I keep advancing, to discover Hyderabad,
I am a Lone Warrior, I'm an entrepreneur!