Monday, September 3, 2018

Shed your Inhibitions

The world is beautiful, there is so much to explore,
So many aromatic flowers, so many tasty berries,
So many places which reinforce ideas of serendipity,
But then, when are we human enough?

If nature has the potential to connect,
if nature can connect us with ourself,
why aren't we connecting with our soul?
What is stopping us? Why don't we connect?

Call it caution? Do we tread with caution?
Fear of getting hurt once again? Don't wanna try?
Don't you wanna give life a chance once again?
Why get lost in the past? Why not come out?

Should one hate their past? Should one love it?
Can past be an asset, can it be liability?
Does past shape your values, your mindset?
Does past influence your future, but how?

How can you one reflect on the past?
How can one lay a solid foundation of human values?
How can one leverage the past?
Just like stepping stones!

Books may have some answers,
great men's life stories may have some answers,
reflection and introspection may have some answers,
but there is one amazing answer,

There is one amazing power, with answers,
This power connects you with those books,
with those great men, with reflection, introspection,
it is the power which listens to you, it is your strength

This power can help you bounce back,
faster than you think, you've just got to give the power,
a chance, just give the power a chance,
the power is willing to listen, with patience!

Once you do that, you're all set,
you're raring to go, you don't tread with caution,
you'll etch your story within history
and you'd shed all your inhibitions

Inhibitions are powers within, to tread with caution,
they're the brakes within, only to support acceleration,
trust your inhibitions, trust the listening power, the strength,
come out express yourself, the world is waiting

The world is waiting, to see a new you,
the world is waiting, to see an evolved you,
the world is waiting, to listen to your story,
the world is waiting, to see you shed your inhibitions!

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