Sunday, September 9, 2018

A Renaissance Teacher

Who is a good student?
Who is a good child?
Are you a born sinner?
Are you born very pure?

Why was Steve Jobs called a kid?
Why was Richard Feynman called a kid?
Why were visionaries called kids?
Is success about being a kid?

Why was Mahatma Gandhi's purity compared to a kid?
Why are Tagore's reflections compared to a kid?
How can such maturity and depth be compared to a kid?
Is empathy and purity the virtue of a kid?

What is a child's potential?
What is a child born with?
Are we unleashing the potential?
Are we giving the child a chance?

Does curiosity have to be encouraged?
Does curiosity have to be taught?
Or does it just imply lack of trust?
Should the child be given the comfort to speak?

Is child's question relevant?
Or is the teacher unable to connect the dots?
Can the question draw the child to the idea being taught?
Will any child be left out, if you can do that?

Why do we first explain and then take questions?
Or why do we believe that it starts with a question?
Do we question because we understand or because we think?
Does thinking or understanding have to being questions?

Do we have to initiate it?
Or is it already initiated?
Do we embrace it?
Do we challenge our assumptions?

Is the system doing enough?
Will the system change?
Is it a stalemate?
Would the change start with us?

First things first, would you use authority against a child?
Would you use authority or would you dialogue?
Would you keep authority as a last resort or as an excuse?
Does exercise of authority imply that you're incompetent?

If you realize you couldn't dialogue,
If you realize you had to use authority,
would that unsettle you, would that make you introspect?
would this ensure that kindle the child's natural potential?

Would you ask it as a question, being open ended?
Or would you give it as an answer, as a dogma?
Would you ask the child to conform to status-quo?
Or would you ask the child to intellectually rebel?

Would you teach the child facts and patterns?
Or would also discuss the exceptions?
Would you teach the child how to face life?
Or would you also how to face adversity?

If your child knows to deal with ten situations,
how does the child learn to deal with his own situations?
Would you be able to teach a child to extrapolate?
Would you be able to extrapolate an insight out of experiences?

Would you leave this to chance?
Is hope our strategy?
Or do we have a definite way?
What do we do?

A passionate teacher, an enthusiastic student, a progressive parent,
do they suffice or do we need more? History?
Do we seek the virtues of the giants? Can we stand on their shoulders?
Do we seek abstraction? Do we seek insights?

If you were truly connected to the questions,
would the child be with you, all the while,
would you win the child? would the child want to make you win?
Would you win as a teacher? Would you both win?

If you win the child, won't be plates be placed back in the kitchen?
If you win the child, won't the child be polite in conversation?
If you win the child, won't the child behave the way you wish to?
Do you change the child or do you change yourself?

Do you discipline the child behaviorally?
Or do you discipline yourself intellectually?
Do push the child or do you push yourself with questions?
This isn't rhetoric, this is a dialogue

It appears like a rhetoric, it is misleading,
it appears as thought I'm judging, I am only understanding,
I am only understanding, the vacuum and the void,
the intellectual vaccuum which prevents you,

The void in your worldview, which prevents you from seeing,
from seeing the obvious, which is right in front of you,
 the giants have seen it, they have epistemological humility,
can you see it, can you be a Renaissance Teacher?

Purity and Perfection

Who is a purist?
What is purity?
What is perfection?
Who is perseverance?

What does it mean to stick to values?
What does it mean to stick to ideals?
Does it imply constant change?
Does it imply constant seeking?

Does it imply constant seeking of meaning?
Does it imply constant questioning of meaning?
Does it imply that you're unbiased, not emotional?
Does it imply that you're always reflecting?

But why would you do it?
Why would you be restless?
Why would you be so unsettled?
Why would you be always looking out?

Wouldn't this hurt?
Can a human not be emotional?
Isn't this too hard to handle?
What gives the power?

Well, when you find something you truly love,
When find something you truly love going after,
you're definitely on the journey of perfection,
you're definitely never going to be satisfied,

you'll be like a child,
you'll be as pure as a child,
you'll constantly question,
you'll constantly evolve

find love, find the child within you,
find purity, find perfection,
push yourself, ask the hard questions,
seek meaning, redefine meaning

this is the simple secret,
which the whole world knows already,
but this secret differentiates,
between the successful ones and the others,

if you don't find something worth pushing yourself,
you may not be able to find the endurance,
you may not be able to pursue this journey,
you may not be able to perfect your perfection!

So go ahead, let your heart free,
let it find what she truly connects with,
I guess I already did, I am seeking meaning,
I am asking my questions, I am redefining my love

I found love, I am a purist,
I wouldn't settle for anything less, I question,
I wouldnt know if I could do better, I wonder,
I keep redefining my meaning, I push the human race forward

I found love, I am a purist,
I am on the path or perfection, relentless struggle,
I have many intruiging questions of selfless reflection
There are so many thoughts gushing out

Talk of purity, talk of the sun,
Talk of meaning, talk of the  poet,
His energy would never run out, he gives more!
His love never gets satisfied, he gives more!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Who is a teacher?

Who is a teacher?
Who is a mentor?
Who is a coach?
Who is an enabler?

Who is a facilitator?
Who is a lecturer?
Who is an instructor?
Who is a trainer?

Are these just labels?
Or do they change the way we think?
Do we have to relook?
Do we redefine a teacher?

Is it a new idea?
Is it a renaissance?
Or do we already have answers?
Do we have something in the past?

Do we have Socrates who gave us the dialogue?
Do we have Feynman who taught us the first principles?
Do we have Polya who taught us heuristics education?
Do we have Ramanujan who showed us the power of intuition?

Do we have Chomsky who shows us education as empowerment?
Do we have Raghuram Rajan who shows us Dosa Economics?
Do we have Amartya Sen who shows how to relook development?
Do we have so many legends who trespass teaching?

Did they teach or did they inspire or did they motivate?
Did they teach or did they connect the dots to throw more questions?
Did they teach or did they show us aesthetics of the discipline?
Did they teach or did they show us why we should be life long learners?

Should we be a teacher?
Is everyone a teacher?
Do we have a teacher in us?
Can the teacher guide us?

Can the teacher make us a beginner once again?
Can the teacher make us grow once again, with sunshine ofcourse!
Can the student be your teacher? Can the teaching be your teacher?
Can the teacher reflect your own journey? Can the teacher give you a rebirth?

If we have knowledge, do we need wisdom?
If we have focus, do we need openness?
If we have answers, do we need questions?
If we have ego, do we need someone to tear it apart?

If we don't know how to think like a beginner?
Can we learn and relearn?
We ask the student to explain?
Isn't it that simple? Why did we miss it?

If the child has so much potential, if everyone can be Steve Jobs,
one more Gandhi, one more Alexander, how do we nurture them?
Does every child deserve a chance to learn and conquer the world?
Does every child deserve a chance to get the world at his feet?

But are we suppressing that natural curiosity?
But are we suppressing that natural ambition?
But are we suppressing those natural instincts?
But are we suppressing those natural winning abilities?

We need to connect with the child,
We need to connect with the society,
We have a lot of questions to ask,
We need to ask "Who is a teacher"?


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

I am Listening

Are flowers beautiful?
One the outside?
or from the inside?
what's the difference?

Are people wonderful?
From the outside?
or from the inside?
Why the difference?

Why do people change?
When we know them better?
Do they change or do we change?
Or did we read them wrong?

Why does it take so much time?
Why that long to read people?
Are they so complex?
Are we making a mistake?

Do we oversimplify people?
Do we bracket all into same categories?
Do we bring in lots of stereotypes?
Do we bring in lots of assumptions?

So how do we understand people?
How do we challenge our presuppositions?
How do we embrace the neural diversity?
How do we acknowledge the individuality?

May be the answer is very simple,
May be you've got to listen,
May be you've got to flush your worldview,
May be you've got to listen like a beginner!

But what do you do by listening?
Does it solve somebody's problem?
Wait, but why isn't that person even telling?
Why can't the person trust?

Why are some problems perceived to be private?
When they are actually "very small" problems?
Why this embarassment and humilitation?
Why do we judge, why can't we listen?

Maybe a listener can install that trust!
Maybe just speaking out helps!
Maybe understanding the problem is enough in itself!
Maybe find a listener is good enough!

So how do we do justice to human potential,
how do we overcome these barriers to success,
well, the anwer is very simple, it is out there,
Well, don't worry, I am Listening!

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Flirt Yogi

He is the rockstar,
He is the champion,
He is the guru,
He is the renaissance!

He is the flirt,
only he can teach,
how to flirt with danger,
and meet the impossible!

He is a thief,
he stole our hearts,
he stole our attention,
he pulls us towards him!
He has the flute,
he controls the senses,
the cows and the gopikas,
he is the master of the senses!

He is the dark one,
he attracts everyone,
with his character, with his intellect,
he charms your soul!

He is the master,
he is an artist,
he is a philosopher,
he has got the questions!

He is a yogi,
he is balanced,
he is unbiased
he flows free!

He is a charioteer,
he shows us direction,
he has seen it all,
he gave us the Gita!

he is a moral compass, a shankha
he can reinvent ethics, justice,
he blows the shankha, he can cheat
to ensure truth always wins!

He is the greatest teacher,
he inspires us to reflect,
he shows us the ashta siddis,
he introduces us to human potential!

He is a great mystery,
the poets will keep quoting him,
the philosophers will keep chasing him,
he pushes the idea of humanity,

He is a great idea,
which makes us reimagine,
our existence, our concepts,
he is the mirror of wisdom!

Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum!

Shed your Inhibitions

The world is beautiful, there is so much to explore,
So many aromatic flowers, so many tasty berries,
So many places which reinforce ideas of serendipity,
But then, when are we human enough?

If nature has the potential to connect,
if nature can connect us with ourself,
why aren't we connecting with our soul?
What is stopping us? Why don't we connect?

Call it caution? Do we tread with caution?
Fear of getting hurt once again? Don't wanna try?
Don't you wanna give life a chance once again?
Why get lost in the past? Why not come out?

Should one hate their past? Should one love it?
Can past be an asset, can it be liability?
Does past shape your values, your mindset?
Does past influence your future, but how?

How can you one reflect on the past?
How can one lay a solid foundation of human values?
How can one leverage the past?
Just like stepping stones!

Books may have some answers,
great men's life stories may have some answers,
reflection and introspection may have some answers,
but there is one amazing answer,

There is one amazing power, with answers,
This power connects you with those books,
with those great men, with reflection, introspection,
it is the power which listens to you, it is your strength

This power can help you bounce back,
faster than you think, you've just got to give the power,
a chance, just give the power a chance,
the power is willing to listen, with patience!

Once you do that, you're all set,
you're raring to go, you don't tread with caution,
you'll etch your story within history
and you'd shed all your inhibitions

Inhibitions are powers within, to tread with caution,
they're the brakes within, only to support acceleration,
trust your inhibitions, trust the listening power, the strength,
come out express yourself, the world is waiting

The world is waiting, to see a new you,
the world is waiting, to see an evolved you,
the world is waiting, to listen to your story,
the world is waiting, to see you shed your inhibitions!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Fine Line

Are we good or are we bad?
Are you smart or are you dumb?
Are you altruistic or are you greedy?
Are you fickle or are you focussed?

What is right and what is wrong?
What is a virtue and what is a vice?
How do you figure it out?
Socrates has some answers, listen out!

The extremes have been explored,
They don't seem to have too many answers,
If both the extremes have been figured out,
and if they don't have answers, what to do?

If both the extremes have no answers, why study?
Why study greed if you'd like to be altruistic?
Why can't we understand altruism without greed?
Why study altruism if it doesn't have answers?

The devil is in the detail, they say,
But the beauty is in subtlety, they miss!
You can appreciate one end, only with the presence,
of the other, this gentle detail is missed!

The answers are neither there nor here,
The answers are at a magical place,
only explorers have found that,
it requires relentless perservarant pursuit!

The answers is very fuzzy, very fuzzy indeed,
the answers lies in between the extremes,
it is neither there nor here, it is in between,
but, you know to get there, you to get here, but how?

You try and get to the answer, you get to extreme,
you try and come back, you get back to an extreme,
how do you stop at the right place,
how do you figure out the fine line?

There are so many adages, also epithets of victors,
all have the same answer, they describe the Lakshman Rekha,
millenia of thought, centuries of reflection, hints this balance,
how do you we get there to that cool spot?

Mentors try and get mentees there and it's harsh!
They push and push until to get the mentees to try,
to try and try until they'd succeed,
this is nasty, but the mentor's job is not to be nice,

The mentor's job is not to be nice, it is get the mentee there,
it is to show the fine line, the line of success to the mentee,
but how do you it without being too nasty? Is this sustainable?
Wait, is it possible at all? How do we connect?

What if the mentee knows about the fine line already?
Wouldn't the mentee take the pain with happiness?
Maybe they would, history does have a few examples,
a few great people who were never conscious of this struggle,

That's rare blood and that's called initiative,
this manifests itself in many nice ways, it reflects itself as virtues,
but dig deep down, see the core and that's initiative,
They don't wait for the mentor to push, they pull the mentor along!

They don't ask for work, they search their own work,
The mentor has to just critique their work, which they've owned,
so neither the mentor nor the mentee fails the pain, they experience bliss,
the most amazing feeling, the feeling of guiding someone to the Fine Line

Hell yeah, this feeling is comparable to none,
That's what locks these great mentors to one subject,
and no "better subject" can move them away, they're committed!
This is a divine feeling, of bliss, of reaching the Fine Line, with someone!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

What makes History

The hare or the tortoise? Who's better?
Do slow and steady win the race?
Are quick decisions suicidal? Instinct?
Do you wait for time for answers?

Why do you we make so many mistakes?
Why is experience so very useful?
Why does wisdom emerge out of failures?
Why is prevention better than cure?

A Wounder Warrior asks these questions,
and these questions only transform him,
these questions protect him from the dangers,
from the dangers which hover around beginners!

The whole universe conspires to help a beginner,
only because the Satan the danger hovers around him,
for, the beginner has no immunity and is vulnerable,
the beginner is aggressive, volatile and careless, they see

But do they even realize what G.H.Hardy tried to say?
Did they even read this Mathematician's apology?
Do they even understand why an old mind can't conceive?
Why disruptive thinking can only find a young beginner?

They look at the young and call them a liability,
The look at them as wise ones in the making,
They look at them as unfinished, to be perfected murals,
But do they realize that great art is always unfinished!

They say I'm rash, they don't see the experimentation,
They say I'm adamant, they don't see my vision,
They say I don't listen, they can't see me contemplate,
They say I wont succeed, but they do see, they see!

The world was changed by people in their 20s,
let it be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg,
only these can be crazy enough to think they can change,
and as Steve said they are the ones who change the world!

So do you wait for time, do you go slow?
So do you wait for time or do stay through time?
So do you wait for time or do you push your intuition?
So do you wait for time or do you etch yourself within history?

For others, time provides answers, time heals, time binds,
For others. time creates a story
For me,  life is too short to do anything, so I accelerate
For me, time chases my life, to append to history

Can everybody do this? Am I privileged?
Did I understand myself from the inside?
Maybe I did, maybe I understand, maybe I'm understood,
Maybe, Maybe not, but I am not here to wait for time

 Maybe I'm privileged, I found her,
So what do I do, not everyone is empowered enough,
to push themselves like how I do, so do I wait,
do I wait or do I show my brethren a whole new way of life?

I am here to give answers to time,
I am here to challenge convention,
I am here to start a new paradigm,
I am here to adumbrate a new story

I'm perseverant, but the new power makes me resilient,
I'm focussed, but the new power makes me self conscious,
I have conviction, but the new power helps me reflect,
I have talent, but the new power tells the whole world about it!

History is replete with many stories,
with many forgotten stories,
of men with the right woman on their side,
who could challenge their precursors and march to glory

Mark this day my love, I foresee the same marker again,
maybe its time we step beyond convention, beyond time,
maybe we are agile, maybe we are aggresive, but we push ourselves,
only to stop time and so we immortalize our time within history!