Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Where Work meets Purpose

Where work meets Purpose,
where spirit is high,
where value flows free,
where great work is all around us,

Where work is not broken,
into fragments and compartments,
by narrow domestic job descriptions,
where passion is all around us,

Where ideas compete,
Where discussions emerge,
Where unlearning happens,
Where learning is all around us,

Where egos and degrees take a back seat,
Where experience makes way for exposure,
Where inertia and friction make way for openness,
Where humility is all around us,

Where marks remain goal posts,
Where syllabus remains the playground,
Where the learner is led by purpose,
Where true learning is all around us,

Where student is allowed to question,
Where student's imagination is respected,
Where teacher learns from student,
Where sense-making is all around us,

Where students are not spoon fed,
Where students' intellect is recognized,
Where students are empowered,
Where excellence is all around us,

Where education is choice,
Where education is opted by all,
Where education is valued,
Where depth of truth is all around us,

Where education connects,
Where education unites,
Where world is a global village,
Where humanity is all around us,

Where learning travels across the world,
Where learning has no boundaries,
Where learning empathizes,
Where humanity is all around us,

Where aesthetics of subjects are shown,
Where purpose of subjects are shown,
Where why questions are thought through,
Where depth of truth is all around us,

Where students see life in subjects,
Where students see strategy in subjects,
Where students emerge as thought leaders,
Where real education is all around us,

Where the boundaries of theory and practical are broken,
Where education is seen as search for truth,
Where content is broken down,
Where intellect is all around us,

Where analytical/critical/logical faculties are engaged,
Where synthetic/creative/lateral faculties are engaged,
Where faculties of the mind are harnessed,
where intellect is all around us,

Where values drive education,
Where values drive life,
Where values drive the economy,
Where happiness is all around us,

Where work and education are seen as one,
Where depth of thought is experienced,
Where every thinker and doer experience bliss,
Where enlightenment is all around us,

Where people wait for Mondays, after holidays,
Where people take initiative, and work,
Where people contribute, for a better world,
Where euphoria is all around us,

Where doctors love healing,
Where engineering love making,
Where teachers love teaching,
Where purpose is all around us,

Where the next generation is experiencing education,
Where the next generation is experiencing wisdom,
Where the next generation is connected with purpose,
Where purpose is all around us,

Where we no longer need a heaven,
Where we experience bliss on earth,
Into that new world, O'Bapu,
Let my people awake!

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Emperor Within

Salutations to the universal emperor,
Salutations to the favorite son of the soil,
Saluations to India's favorite son,
Salutations to the conqueror!

As the time flows,
as the Shalivana dynasty's glory,
a morning rose, with this pure birth,
the son of Gowthami, Satakarni!

Long live, You've arrived,
Long live, You've arrived!

The times of conflict, in that night,
as the light, as the pathway,
your imperial sacrifice,
was performed.

Among the swords, peace was confined,
as the supreme word of peace,
peace has now spoken, thanks to you!
Salutations to the universal emperor

To your mother,
To your motherland,
as the correct descendant,
get the acclaim!

The Heaven itself,
was won by you,
The winner you are,
Salutations to the universal emperor!

The dream, the vision,
one who created,
you are the creator!
Salutations to the universal emperor!

During the time, while churning Amruth,
the brightness which emerged, the destroyer of calamities,
The one who could keep poison in his throat,
he is the Hari, he is the doer of good!

Long live, you've arrived!
Long live, you've arrived!

The invaders greed for power,
polluted by it, polluted by it,
the earth has called you,
please respond, please repond!

Plough out the invaders,
who have raided us, please master!
Saluations to the universal emperor!
Long live, you've arrived!

Very terrible, ethical conflict,
we are neck deep in it,
please come immediately,
and give us protection,
with atmost learning/sacrifice,
please manifest, O'God, O' King!

There is an emperor within you, the world is calling, your people are calling, peace is calling, truth is calling, vision is waiting, future is waiting, a new victory, a new history is waiting!

But you'll have to absorb the poison, you'll have to endure, can you please respond,
You'll have to be the Hari, the Sadashiva, the Neelakanta, who could endure poison!

Can you be our savior, please seek the deepest of learning, the deepest of sacrifices,
and come down in the supreme form, to save us, please come down!

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Powerful Goddess

Who are you? Who are you?
Do I understand you?
Do I really understand you?
Who are you? Who are you?

I called you the poet's ecstacy,
I called you the philosopher's enigma,

you're the emotion who creates my words,
you're the thought which holds my mind,

You're something beyond,
you're beyond emotion,
you're beyond reason,
you're the emergent spirit,

The more I explore, the more I explore,
I get fooled into believing that I know,
but you're the spirit which brings humility,
I only get to know that I don't know, I explore!

You push me to the limits of my understanding,
you push me to boundaries of compartments of thought,
you bring the consilience of ideas, to model you, the new,
Past can't connect, you're the history of the future!

You push me, the philosopher, outside my comfort zone,
You push me, the poet, into the ocean, words never stop,
You cannot be understood like how the others could,
I need to understand understanding, to understand you!

You talk about your past, I start judging you,
I fail to see the intent, I fail to see the inspiration,
I fail to see how rose despite your circumstances,
I realize I shouldn't jump, I realize humility!

It takes a great farmer to see a plant in a seed,
It takes a great entrepreneur to see a business in an idea,
It takes a great teacher to see a story in a child,
Somethings are too long-term for mere mortal!

Nothing can stop a great tree, no axe, no adversaries,
Nothing can stop a great visionary, no depression,
Nothing can stop a great student, no exam, no fear,
Nothing can stop one with raw talent, there's this force!

I always thought this force was behind me,
I always reminded myself of the force,
I told my students about the force,
but I didn't see the force in you!

I am artist, I am a poet, I am a philosopher,
I see history, I adumbrate the future, I foreshadow,
I can see and harness potential, I can trigger a great story,
I see the greatest promise, I see you, I see you!

I have analyzed great stories, of great men,
the ones with rare flesh like Gandhi, as said by Einstein,
I have meditate over Jobs, over Feynman, over Chanakya,
and this inspires my idea of being human, of human potential!

However, I do see a whole new story opening itself up,
and even better, I see myself being an important part of that,
of sharing my life with this great story, of converting potential,
I can predict, but, I see the future we could create together!

I used to think about balance, I used to see humans in segments,
I searched for completeness, I read about Chandragupta, Alexander,
I could find the perfect ones only in tales and fantasies of great poets,
But when I see this inspiration in reality, it blows me up!

I experienced this all, this is not what I read,
I understand experience, I understand what the great rishis explored,
I experience you, I experienced all of you,
I tasted a fruit, I see the tree, I see the promise, I see potential

I see the care, I see the empathy, I see the world,
I see the commitment, I see the purpose, I see resilience,
I see the clarity, I see the conviction, I see the visionary,
I see your past, I can foresee your future

You're so good, everybody saw just one aspect of you,
You're so good, everybody could only see one aspect of you,
You're not a mere mortal, you're beyond comprehension,
You inspire me to stretch my soul, to meet your inspiration!

Few abused you, Few supported you, Few inspired you,
But I bet none of them could see you, could realize you,
One needs an understanding of human history to understand you,
as history has clue of you, but has the dots to connect!

Once in a while, history would see the great ones emerge,
The historians would treasure them, poets would look,
but some greaters tales emerge, which give birth to divinity,
Your inspiration escapes humanity, into divinity!

You're the Goddess, you're the inspiration,
who shows the boundaries of humanity,
you're the one poets wait for, to tell the untold truth,
of the pathway to divinity, of the great purpose!

You've got people with you, even your enemies,
I question why no one can hate you, why everyone loves you,
I see how you've inspired to get the men behind me,
I see how you've transformed me into a leader!

You're not a leader, you're much more,
You're the power which pulls,
You're the power which creates leaders,
You make me realize human potential

Am I talking more, Am I being a poet?
Am I exaggerating? Is this myth or reality?
But how does one connect with people, so well,
How does one see the power of purity, to pull people along?

I see this as just the beginning, just the beginning,
the are many more aspects to be understood, they can't be,
I can only experience you, I only want to you experience you,
I am privileged to have found you, I cherish the inspiration!

I understand the word holistic,
I understand the concept of emergence,
I plug in to try and experience you,
I would like to experience all of you

Your mind, your heart, Your body, Your soul,
I see beauty in all of them, I see aesthetics,
I see philosophy, I see economics,
I see the milky way of insights waiting,

I see the deepest of purpose,
I see the most rigorous pursuit,
I see the craziest inspiration,
I see the powerful Goddess!

Monday, May 20, 2019

Longing for a smile

That smile, that wonderful smile,
The wonderful smile with a blush,
That wonderful smile with the music,
With the music which makes my heart skip!

She asked me what makes me happy,
I said it is this smile, just this smile!
But why do I long for this smile ?
What makes her smile so special ?

Truth? Purity ? Care ? Concern ?
She is a goddess , She is a caretaker,
She is the little flame which keeps,
the entire garden glowing, with her smile!

She pats me, she nudges me,
She listens to me, she lets me pour out,
She speaks out, guiding me, guarding me,
She is with me, wherever I go!

I thought I was an atheist,
But now when I did up religions,
I see God as a spark, an energy,
To trigger the entire universe,

She is the energy, she is the flame,
For my entire world, my entire universe,
Her smile is the source of energy,
Oh boy, my heart feels so good, so good!

This is so good, this is good,
So good, this is definitely heaven,
The goddess, the energy, the flame,
I'm longing for her wonderful smile!