Saturday, November 17, 2018

Taking for granted

Are you taking it for granted? they ask!
Are you taking granted for granted, I ask!
Why is granted always negative, I ask!
What is its etymology, I ask!

What is grant, where does it come from?
It comes from credere, it comes from trust,
it comes from creanter, it comes from guarantee,
it comes from granter, it comes from support or consent!

Who grants something? Who granted something?
The gods granted boons, to the hermits!
The kings granted lands, to the poets!
I granted myself, a wonderful person!

I have taken a wonderful person, for granted,
the person is a gift, she is the apple of my eye,
she is the twinkle in the night sky, I see her daily,
if she is like the water, I'm like a fish, I take her for granted!

I know her value, so I take her for granted,
I can't live without her, I took for her granted,
I look for her everywhere, I took her for granted,
I cherish my moments with her, I took her for granted

When I hurt her, I cry, I took her for granted,
When I lose her, I am lost, I took her for granted,
When I maker her smile, I am overjoyed, I took her for granted,
When I make her win, I'm on top of the world, I took her for granted!

I am here to tell her that I took her for granted,
I will take her for granted, for a lifetime,
she's a grant, she's a gift, she's invaluable,
she's precious, so I took her for granted!

Sun, Mirror & Me

Bright, sunny, warm, shine,
Dark, cloudy ,chill, gloomy,
Why do we like the sunshine?
Why do we fear the dark?

Here's a perspective,
Here's a story,
a point of view,
a series of events!

The sun shines and the mirror reflects,
the mirror rejoices, the mirror becomes a star,
the mirror misunderstands, but the sun still shines,
the sun inspires, the sun mesmerizes,

The sun gives a lot of freedom,
the sun gives the space, the opportunity,
for the mirror to express,
the mirror is cheerful and full of bliss!

But the day has to make way for the night,
the mirror now sees a huge vacuum,
the mirror realizes the value,
the mirror is in tears, the mirror breaks down

And then I come in,
I hear tales of the sun,
I see the mirror in the moonlight,
very subtle, very beautiful!

If the sun is an inspiration,
isn't the sun always with you,
isn't the sun in the stars,
isnt the sun in the moon?

Isnt the sun in me,
Isnt the sun in you?
Isn't the sun an idea?
I ask, I ask the mirror?

Would the mirror miss the sun?
But the sun is eternal, how can she be missed?
Is the mirror missing something?
She thinks she is, she isn't!

Well maybe, she is, she is missing a logic!
She is missing the eternal bliss,
she is missing the inspiration of the sun,
the source of joy, the source of perseverance!

Can she remember the warmth of the early morning sunrays?
Can she remember the strength instilled, can she persevere?
Can she muster courage, can she groom conviction?
Can she gain clarity, can she see the stream of light?

Let's leave this to her, but what about me?
Well, I love the subtle shine, the moonlight,
only reminds me of the beauty of the sun,
I love my life- the Sun, the mirror and Me!