Monday, October 8, 2018

The Infinite Abyss

Why are we so emotional?
Why are we so irrational?
Why are we so attached?
Why don't we let go things?

Why don't I get angry?
Why do I feel lost?
Why don't I tell her?
Why do I conceal it?

Why so many questions?
Am I questioning myself?
or am I questioning her?
What do I do with the questions?

Why do these questions make me stronger?
Why do these questions help me emerge?
Why do these reflections only reinforce love?
What is so special about it, what's the secret sauce?

It has to do with the roots, isn't it?
It was accidental, but look at its foundations,
it has a purpose, it has a common vision,
and once that's there, it is robust!

That's the power of deep purpose,
that you stay resolute, come what may,
the world would think you're mad,
but you'd refuse to let it go, come what may!

You stay so committed, come what may,
You hurt yourself, but you stay firm,
you walk into the abyss, but you stay firm,
you refuse to protest, come what may

That's the power,
That's the tough choice,
that's my action
and that only communicates

that I'm true, I'm pure,
I'm sincere, I'm honest,
I'm a leader, I have a dream
and you've got to trust

I'll do whatever it takes,
I'll walk into the abyss,
to get you to see my conviction,
you can't leave me,

Socrates took the poision for his love,
Socrates took the poision, for reason, for questions,
he told us- you can kill me, but you wont find
another one like me, sadly he was right!

So is every true leader, true lover
for every leader is a lover, who loves a dream,
he rushes into an abyss, if required, hurts himself,
to gain trust, to march the army forward

he gains control, he gains command,
not out of authority, not out of power,
but out of love, out of purity of purpose,
that takes the team to glory

For every leader, is a lover,
but only a true lover is a leader,
so fall in love with a leader,
and your life would be awesome,

awesome but not easy, you can't take it,
you'd be unlucky, it ain't conventional,
can you take it? it's got to be worth it!
Are you ready to walk into the Infinite Abyss?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Purest Mistake

What is purity?
What is Truth?
What is Dharma?
What is Humanity?

Why experiment?
Why question?
Why find out?
Why do it?

Do we know it?
What can we do?
Do we want to know?
What can we lose?

Can you lose a lifetime?
Can you lose your reputation?
Can you risk it all?
Can you sacrifice it all?

Do you such grit, such courage?
Such grit, which no one calls courage?
Such sacrifice, which one calls?
Do you know the pinnacle of human achievement?

A man of such did exist, generations may question,
it may be doubted, doubted Einstein, he asked us,
to reflect and to let the ideals stay, before they,
before they evaporate, we better do

This man has stretched himself too much,
to conduct his experiments with truth,
to show us the pathway of Sat-Chit-Ananda,
he is hard to comprehend, but he is worth it

He showed us austerity, that happiness is in simplicity,
He showed us non-violence, that strength is in forgiving,
He showed us economics, for a more inclusive world,
He showed us Truth, that we are explorers, humble explorers!

More than that, she showed us how to question ourselves,
the answers are all within us, but can you question yourself deeply?
It will hurt, can you hurt your body, can you take it?
You will lose the world in the process, can you still take it?

If you can do that, you meditate with Mahtama, Gandhi could!
Tagore realized that, but when do we realize?
Can you question Gandhi, can you critique Gandhi?
Can you unearth the greatest of treasures, the Mahatma!

He has made mistakes too, but when one reflects so much,
even the mistake is one worth reflecting on, it says so much,
with such sacrifice, mistakes are not critiqued, can we do that?
Can we critique, can we reflect, can we learn from Gandhi!

I am trying, I learn the art of hurting myself,
I learnt the art of not blaming the world, of questioning myself!
It is hard, to stop blaming others, to hurt yourself!
but I can do that, Mahatma is here, Gandhi is here, with me!

Now let my actions count, let my wisdom manifest,
let the world see my impact, let them be impressed,
so they could forgive Bapu, Mahatma,Gandhi, all the mistakes,
for it is a pure mistake, unseen mistake, unmatched purity!

Thank you Bapu, thank you Gandhi!
thank you for your experiments,
thank you for the path of truth, of questioning oneself,
Thank you Mahatma, for the pure mistake!

The Twinkle Star

I am so lost, I am walking, I am walking,
I do not know where I am going, I am lost,
What am I doing, I don't know, I am lost,
Why am I doing, I don't know, I am lost!

I am not just lost, I am wounded, I'm hurt,
But I didn't even realize I was hurt, I as lost,
I was facing a low, I didn't let me realize that,
I am too strong, I thought, but am I strong?

The night is dark, the night is chill, the night is still,
The night refuses a pathway, the night refuses light,
The night can intimidate, the night can crush you,
But the night ain't bad, the night needs a little light

You need a small ray of hope,
and you need the conviction,
to follow that ray, come what may,
can you find it?

Can you find the conviction?
Because you've found the light,
you've found it already!
It is within you, yes within you!

I found my source of light,
my bundle of joy, fun and happiness,
I am so ecstatic, I am so euphoric,
I have found the twinkle star

She smiles, she cares, she heals,
She is the warmest one out there,
She absorbs, she takes all the wounds,
She is the strongest one out there!

With her on my side, I can fight it all,
With her on my side, I question, I see it,
With her on my side, I find my answers,
With her on my side, I've got to win them all!

But do I deserve this? This ray of hope?
Why do I question this? Why do I this?
Am I taking her for granted? Am I waiting for the sun?
Why can't I see that immaculate stars don't exist!

Oh boy, I love travelling with her, like a little child,
who loves running with the star, spotting it all the way,
I love the time I spend with her, forgetting my egoes,
she is with me, and this ain't a dream, this is rosier!

This is reality, a reality which couldn't be foreseen,
a reality which embarasses Utopia , this is true!
Why do I question, this is true, I found her,
let me experience, every moment, I love her!

She is the twinkle star, I've got to make her smile,
I have never cried, but she makes me cry,
for she is the twinkle star, she is the impossible one,
I have got to make her smile, I have got to make her smile!

I may see her all through the day,
I may miss her through the night,
she is the morning Twinkle star,
with her love, she dominates the sun

She is incredible, but it takes a true man,
it takes a true man, to see the real her,
can I find that true man within me, can I see her
I don't know, but I can see the twinkle star!