Friday, August 31, 2018

Me From Inside

These are my words, words which are struggling to come out,
These are my words, unadulterated and pure words from my heart,
These are my words, expressing something inexpressible
These are my words, words which come from inside,

I ask myself how do I express myself,
I ask myself if language  suffices,
I push myself, maybe I will be able to do it,
I push myself, maybe the words will flow down

I ask myself, what defined me, who am I?
I can never find it out from the inside,
I ask myself, if somebody else can ever find out?
I can never believe that they can from outside

So what then answer this conundrum?
If it can't be answered from inside,
If it can't be answered from outside,
does it mean that the question cannot be answered?

I do not know, I am embarking on a new journey,
I see so many amazing perspectives- Design, Poetry, Math and so on,
I think so different and I saw myself as a Lone Warrior,
a Lone Warrior with a purpose, with potential for impact

But why have I changed? Why do I feel being understood?
Why am I happier? Why do I experience emotion curves again?
Why do I experience highs and lows? My heart seems to work again!
Looks like I am being understood from the inside,

How did I miss it? How did I miss something this obvious?
I can't observe myself from inside, I can't be observed from the outside?
But why can't someone observe me from the outside?
Maybe it is possible, it is a possibility which I didn't think of!

I realize I have another pair of ears to hear,
I realize I have another set of eyes to look,
I realize I have another soul merging with me,
I realize I have a force behind me now,

This is a completely new feeling,
This is a new responsibility,
This is very precious,
I have got to protect this

But why do I mess up?
maybe I am still opening up?

How do I express myself?
How do I realize the value of life?

I experience pinnacle of happiness,
and I realize the moment of glory isn't far,
I have to just sustain this and persevere,
with this new found hope, I am all set!

My heart is so full that it doesn't know what to talk,
I do not believe in any Gods which I can thank of,

things shall pass, but I wish this stays and so I wrote this!
This is a new me, from the inside, I'll ensure this stays!


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Impossible Emergence

Our mind dismisses off a few possibilities,
Our cognitive experience can't see these happening,
Language calls these the impossible,
but do we really have such things?

How do we dismiss something?
Just because we cant see it happening?
What if our intuition is wrong?
Why would we say that?

Is 1+1 always equal to 2?
Don't we have a proof that way?
Don't we have a 200 page proof?
Are we taking it for granted?

May be it isn't? But why?
Maybe compound exceeds some of the parts!
Maybe we are failing to look at these experiences!
Maybe we are forgetting emergent phenomenon!

If sodium is poisonous, if Chlorine is poisonous,
how is it that we eat salt everyday?
Why do sodium and chlorine have to complement each other?
Why does the impossible emergence have to happen?

If a designer, a coder and a business guy can do something,
how can a company emerge out of their work?
Why do their differences keep them together, with success?
Why does this impossible emergence have to happen?

Let me tell you the story of one more impossible emergence,
red gave up, blue gave up, on emergence, they dismissed it,
red was wonderful, blue was awesome, red asked blue out,
and then came out a magical color, one which contains everything

There are moments where red supports blue,
there are moments where blue supports red,
but the percentage ain't equal, nature ain't symmetric,
so one supports the other more, so the contribution is assymetric!

So, blue asked red if she is contributing enough?
she asked what if someother color could do better?
blue asked red if she is pissing red off?
she asked red if blue deserved this?

Red didn't know how to answer,
even if  blue didn't contribute at all,
red still gains more from being together,
red is happy, blue is happy, magic emerges

This is something Ayn Rand wouldnt understand,
just the feeling of contributing does more to Red,
than anything else and that's the root of happiness,
and not mere self-centric, egoistic math,

Red's happiness lies in seeing Blue come together,
and there comes the impossible emergence,
happiness is in seeing others happy,
especially the one who brings out the impossible emergence

But then this won't last long,
nature loves symmetries, nature love equalities,
the contribution will soon appear equal
as diffusion will happen, emergence goes to a new level

When that happens, Red can't troll Ayn Rand anymore,
Red can't make Blue feel this special anymore,
so Red wants to rejoice this before its gone,
Red wants to rejoice the struggle before the glory

The world looks at the outcome, they search for the history,
but the victor looks at the pains which the world wouldnt know,
the pain is sweeter than the artificial words of the world,
which always sides by you when you're good

So Red is out there trying to explain Blue, why this is awesome,
there is a Red in you, there is a blue in you, can you connect them,
nature brings out a few combinations, which dismiss the impossible,
I hope you can see the impossible emergence, unleash it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Don't Worry be Crappy

It is very stressful when you're working on something very disruptive. What do you understand when you hear the words revolution, innovation, disruption, risk-taking, status-quo or corporate? It takes courage to stay in denial (of the status-quo) while working with the status-quo, towards bringing in your innovation. This journey may not be easy as you do not have past precedents or any kind of direct data points. So how do you work?

The scariest thing for an innovator can be Utopia - trying to ship the most ideal product to the consumers. An important question has to be asked here- is it even possible? If you fail to develop such a project- is it because you're terrible or is it because that's not viable? How would you ever know if the Utopia was viable? Are you being too harsh on yourself? When we compare ourselves with Apple, Google and others, are we jealous of their successful products? But do we know about what they started working on and what they ended up with?

So how can we ensure that we are not too harsh on ourselves and yet work hard enough to be able to innovate and disrupt the market? The world's first product in a certain category is expected to be a little primitive. The products will probably evolve as the market becomes more mature, with more suppliers/distributors/costumers/media showing interest in the category. Until then, you're probably better off packing your best bit of innovation and shipping it. Within all its imperfections, it should be able to get the core problem solved- something which people care about, something which is considered too good to be true, maybe! That's disruption for you.

When a disruptor looks at a market or an ecosystem, he/she can observe that market benchmarks are too low. So if an ideal niche is found, if the pressing issues are tackled, a start can be made. The products can slowly be evolved as and when more resources get into the organization. But the disruptor may have to pump more resources into solving the core problem, than on going thin spread in solving each and every problem. Now that's a dilemma, isn't it a bad product then, if it has 2-3 good features and with rest of it being terrible?

That's inevitable as startups are highly likely to be resource handicapped. So the question is- can your 2-3 features help you in winning a costumer? Can that core problem guard your problem even if the other features aren't that great? If the answer is a yes, then it probably makes more sense to deliver costumer satisfaction on this point, while managing costumer expectation.

You cannot wait forever, you have to ship. You have to make a start, once you start generating cash, you start building confidence and you'd continue to evolve the product line, you'll start getting better raw materials, value-adding collaborators on the go, once you validate the product idea through a revenue story. This is probably why I think disruptors shouldn't procastinate and that's probably why I agree with Guy Kawasaki when he says "Don't worry, be crappy, ship it"!