Sunday, July 29, 2018

Why walk alone

Some journeys are very lonely,
you have no support, you'd have to fight it out,
they're a test of your character, of your mettle,
But why endure so much? Why asks your mind?

The mind asks the heart, the heart trains to explain,
but the heart mansplains and the mind doesn't understand,
for how would you explain a journey which never been pursued before,
the heart says don't give up, but mind asks what's the point

Well, the fruit of a journey propels many more journeys,
this pushes the wanderers and the explorers, they keep going,
but what about the beginners? How do they realize the luck?
How do they know that the entire universe is waiting for them?

We don't unfortunately have answers for that, we just don't know,
there are way too many entry barriers to this heaven of freedom,
way too many obstacles to this journey- the process of becoming,
but then what's in store at the end of the journey

Well, first they ignore, then they laugh at you and then you win,
you start gaining support gradually, the crowd is behind you,
you win small battles, you win big battles, you win them all,
you just don't realize how you got there, you're just ecstatic

What an irony, you fight it all and then you find the support,
you find the support which you were craving for, but at the end,
well, may be, this is the support for your next big journey,
and the even the euphoria can't mask this joy from the new found support

You're gonna be so happy that you'd be blank,
you'd be a true yogi, you wouldn't know how to react,
you've finally won the war, you've found the support
and then breaking the silence, you scream- I am not a Lone Warrior!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Power Within

Is it impossible? How good are you?
Is it possible? Can you do this?
Is it worth persevering?
How can you do it?

Few legends have been making, the impossible possible,
and this has been happening althrough human history,
their answer is simple, how do we miss it?
but, how can you do it?

There is a force, a mysterious all powerful force,
Darwin found it out, it has designed us,
It explains why we are the way we are!
 but, How can we use it?

But, evolution too makes us sub-optimal,
We think short-term,we may miss the big picture,
We had to fight for daily survival, but now?
so, how can we do it?

It turns out there is a counter-design force,
a force which can help us rewire our brain,
rewire the suboptimal design shaped by evolution,
so, how does this work?

Evolution wants you to try and get the goal,
Evolution puts you in a hurry, in a spot,
Evolution makes you desperate,
so, how do you get over it?

Let the counterforce act, let it tackle,
it will make you realize, that you needn't,
you needn't chase success, you just persevere,
so, how do you do it?

The counterforce asks you to stick, to processes,
you'd get what ever you deserve, not what you desire!
You'd just have to recognize it when it happens,
wait, how do we do this?

Well, stop listening to your heart for a while,
just continue working, without worrying about the result,
It'd happen and you wouldn't even realize
And that's how you unleash the power within!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Hurt Leader

Don't go there, you'll be hurt
parents scream out of love, we don't care,
Don't do that, it's a huge risk,
mentors scream out of care, we don't care

Did I change or am I still like that five year old?
May be people have outgrown, maybe status-quo is inevitable!
Why am I still like that five year old child?
May be it is this childish ambition which keeps me going!

As a baby, we were very explorative,
there were so many things we liked,
As an adult, I'm the same, I take massive risks,
but not as many things which I like

Do I realize that it is just a piece of plastic?
Why did I lose interest in all those toys?
Am I now going after the real things?
Why only a few things? Why so few?

May be it is not just a few things,
May be it is just one thing which I love so much,
I'd probably forego anything for that thing,
I'd probably die for that one thing

May I'll have to fight a lot of battles,
May be I'll have to pick my battles,
May be I'll to have lose a lot of battles,
I may have to lose myself

I may have to lose myself,
I may have to lose everything,
it may be nasty, but can I take it?
it may be draining, but do I have the mental strength?

I have had a bad past, I have been hurt!
I am scared, I am scared of being hurt!
I am scared of my past, i'm scared that it'd repeat!
But I realize something, I do realize something

I'm a hurt Leader, I can only disappoint,
I can disappoint disappointment,
I'm a Leader, I have got character,
my past has only hardened me up

I have never seen success in defeating others,
I have never seen success in winning my battles,
I have seen my success in losing myself,
I have seen my success in making my people win

As a child, I loved to win, I love to succeed,
As a leader, I loved to lose, I love to let go,
As a child, I loved to fight, I loved to conquer,
As a leader, I love to see beyond, I love to dream

Whenever I see a personal pain,
I move away from myself, I move away,
I see it through the society's lens,
I kill my ego, I kill my self-interest

Did I really kill my self-interest?
Am I selfish? Am I self-centered?
Maybe I'm Socratic selfish,
Maybe I'm promoting my virtues

Can people see this? Can people understand?
My selfishness is not derived from Ayn Rand,
but my virtues and my self-interest are derived from Socrates,
I'm harder when I lose this self obsession

Yes, I'd have to lose my self obsession,
I represent something, I am beyond me,
once I can see the great ideals I represent,
no pain can hurt me, no such pain was ever born

Pain can hurt a human, events can hurt a person,
but ideas are immortal, what if I am an idea?
Socrates died and I continue, I can die,
but the idea shall not die, I am immortal

But, am I a human or am I an animal?
Am I good or am I bad?
Am I strong or am I weak?
Am I a person or am I a leader?

This is a conflict, one which tries to hurt,
a conflict between the animal and the human,
between strength and between values,
but who can help me win this conflict?

The force is within me,
The world is within me,
All the people are me,
If they win, don't I win?

And so yeah, if I lose and if they win,
I do win, I can never lose, for all players are me,
I do realize so many lesson which pain teaches,
pain lets me disappoint disappointment

Once I look beyond myself,
once I see success in the world's success,
I see that I cannot lose, I have been hurt enough,
I am a Hurt Leader, I have failed enough

I am a Hurt Leader,
the most powerful force,
which has changed mankind,
althrough history

I am a Hurt Leader,
I see those highs which were seen,
these were only known to poets and leaders,
and these keep me going, my secret power!

I am a Hurt Leader,
I have experienced so many strokes of intellect,
I have gained the wisdom,
which can push the human race forward

I shall store these great moments,
I shall treasure these invaluable experiences,
until I'd get hurt again, I shall store them
I am a Hurt Leader

Monday, July 23, 2018

An Innocent Girl

Is this world amazing?
Is my life interesting?
Is my journey exciting?
But, is my soul repenting?

Don't let your soul ever get hurt,
said Socrates, definining virtues,
but they've forgotten their soul,
and they've forgotten their virtues

I tell myself, I always tell myself,
you are our only support, the only support,
never ever get into a position, where you lose,
where you've got to forgive yourself- your only support

And so I ask, why do I feel so guilty,
why am I ashamed on this gene?
Do I blame Darwin, Do I blame nature?
Why do all men have this gene?

Why does this gene influence us?
Why do we always wanna conquer?
why exploit? Why can't we look beyond?
Why can't we see the Innocent girl?

The "shameless gene" wants to spread,
the "shameless gene" leaves no stone unturned,
the "shameless gene" doesn't care,
doesn't care, can't see the innocence

They look at her as an object,
They look at her as flesh,
They look at her as an opportunity,
to bring the evolutionary animal out,

Did they read Darwin, from Ghenghiz to now,
the "shamless gene"  has been on the rise,
But then we do have the "noble gene" I guess,
the noble one which is making me speak,

I look at her as a sentient being,
I look at her  as a bundle of happiness,
 I look at her as an opportunity,
to bring the human out, to make me smile

The noble gene helps me preserve this innocence,
let the roses stay, let the garden smile,
let the innocence stay, let the world smile,
The noble gene asks for a renaissance,

Did I read Tagore, Did I read Rawls,
or was it just the noble gene?
If the "shameless gene" grew to spread mankind,
the "noble gene" spread to protect humanity

Did I read Amartya Sen, did I read about HDI?
Why should I care, why should this matter?
It does, it should, ignore Tagore, ignore Rawls,
think about the next generation, think about the future

We need a generation which is brought up with love,
So they could think like Tagore, like Sen, like Rawls,
We need a generation which can succeed,
so they could think like Darwin, like Socrates!

But what do we do? We can't ask Darwin, we can't ask Rawls,
maybe we have to stand by the ones who know,
maybe we can't just be a bystander,
maybe the Innocent Girl needs your help

She has been hurt,
She can take all the pain,
She has been ignored,
She can stay all lonely,

She doesn't need your sympathy,
you'd realize, if you could empathize,
She doesn't need your pointless advice,
only if you could empathize, but how?

We have got the shameless gene, we've got the noble gene,
it's time to realize that we can rise beyond, we can be human,
we've inherited knowledge, we've got wisdom,
it's now the time to think, time to act

Forget Darwin, forget Rawls
You are actually a gardener,
Let the roses blossom,
get the Innocent girl to smile

Forget Darwin, remember Tagore
You are a creator, you've got the power,
you can transform the garden, your life,
Let the roses blossom, Let the Innocent girl smile!

Dedicated to all those wonderful women who helped me smile, who helped me think, who helped me grow, thank you for everything, this is for your, this is for you to know I am not a bystander.