Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Kala is your Athmaspandana,
Art is your soul-saying!
If you have true emotion within,
it emerges as a divine raaga.

If you have a bhavam,
the padas and the swaras,
come down to unite with,
and unleash the kala

Understand the inner meaning of you
you- your mind,body,heart and soul,
Understand what it means to rediscover yourself
you- your soul, emerges from the rest

The greatest place in this universe,
is much closer than u think-it's within you,
this prapancham -the world exists,
since you and your indriyaas exist.

Body is built to take,
what seems like pain,
so, it has to take it.
For, creation's cause is karma.

So do you wanna stay at this place,
the pinnacle of glory-as a few called it,
but the pravaaham is anohyam,
you have to flow with the stream.

Your mind needs to hunt,
unconscious of the ranam,
this resulted in a creation,
creation of what we call science

Your heart needs to flow,
we learnt art from nature,
you need to give it back,
this evolved the arts.

So pursue science,
with the pride of a lion,
plunge into the arts,
the peacocks shall dance.
You'd have to be on ur toes,
it vanishes before you could realize.
It wont, if you are up for it,
you will rise beyond the mortals!

Explore the world within u,
enough to recognize it,
Pursue the art with purity,
and immerse yourself into it.

You can never find this,
you wait for it to find you.
You need to know it so well,
that you'd recognize it, in time.

You don't always have true emotions,
so you try and master the art.
but when you get them,
you screw the rules! 

And start thanking all the gods,
all the gods, you know of!
I already did, just now!
Please accept my Aavahana!

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