Monday, November 25, 2013

Movie on Indian Metaphysics

A screenplay with starts with a climax and ends with another climax, Neti Panchatantra will start on December 11th 2013 and Sciensation hopes to complete it within four months.

Central Idea: All threads and journeys converge into a quest for metaphysics, via consilience. Threads are metaphorical- Optimism versus Pessimism, Leadership vs Dictatorship, Trust-Confidence love-story, Perfection-Benevolence love-story.

Spoiler-Climax: India excelled in Ayurveda, Natyashastra, Ganitha and possibly all ancient spheres of human-excellence. This is neither a coincidence nor a reflection of Indian IQ, but a fruit of Indian metaphysics. Possibly the greatest education system on this planet, was killed to diminish the source of our enlightenment, spread ignore and hence oppress us.

Bottomline:  When you pursue anything, once you hit the threshold, you go through an outward spiral and travel with excellence, at an exponential pace. How do you understand the soul within, to hit this threshold- Indian metaphysics

Marketing: We hope to circulate this film through Youtube/School libraries/VCD portals, cyber-cafes etc. We hope to sell advertising space, integrated with the script.

Production: Lighting through home-made reflectors and adjustable stands. Minimal outdoor shooting.

This project will reflect Sciensation's ability to produce long script, with practically no expenses involved and to market short film, an industry which doesn't exist today. Sciensation's film production and finance would be checked!

Existing Team:
Lyrics: Tejaswi Monangi(song will be released soon)
Editing: Nihar Kartik Mamidipudi
Writing and Production- Tarun
Music- synthesize from tracks, riffed off from the internet.
And quite a few critics!

What we are looking for:

Passionate Actors who can understand the spirit of the film and the depth of their character. We put in a lot of efforts in characterization and dialogues, we don't appreciate change in prescribed content/tone.

who understands moving-composition,aesthetics(mood) and action-continuity.

Sound Designer who can design the audio tracks, to help in reinforcing the created space(in the scene) and maintaining free flow of time, across the film.

Music Composer who can create a mood appropriate for the scene. We would be having 3-4 songs too.


Society, Money, Spirituality, Education-system, Social-service, economic equality, passion

Dr Anjaneya Prasad: A scientist by training, journalist by profession, pursuing a Utopian dream- a rama-rajya(in terms of governance and societal fabric).

Dr Satyanarayana Murthy a.k.a Media Murthy: An alumni of IIT,IIM and Chicago-Booth (the school from which India's latest super hero comes!), pursues an understanding of money. He is a personification of the animal spirit-Money Illusion. (#AnimalSpirit6)

Dr Vishnu Sharma, PhD from Stanford, faculty at IAS Princeton,a logician, who pursues spirituality.

Shamil- an IIT graduate, who is seeking to understand Indian education system and pursues a change.

Devaki- a techie who sacrifices a great career to pursue social-service.

Trust- Lead heroine, a medico, who pursues economic inequality. A rare sight- a student of medicine understanding economics.

Confidence-Lead hero, comparable to Lord Hanuman- who brought the whole mountain as he couldnt find Sanjeevani. The most lively character in the film. Pursues his kick.
Surya a.k.a Suryabhai, the antagonist, comparable to Lord Shiva- the destroyer, the one who chopped Daksha(rules/organization)'s head and replaced it with a goat-head. He pursues an ideal society, through power. Surya and Anjaneya Prasad share the same goal.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Biryani Boys

How to build a great team?
May be we need great players!
May be not! May be a Kabir Khan!
Hell Yeah! You know what!We need the rebels!

The crazy ones who see beauty
The insane ones who question dogma
The cool ones who need enable consilience

The awesome ones who always deliver perfection

But why do we need them?
Well, look at the Utopian dreams we have
Do we really need to consider them to be dreams
May be not, if we have an army, which we are building!

What is Biryani Boys?
Biryani Boys is a campaign launched by Sciensation, across several educational institutions, with the goal to induct people into their team.

Who is Sciensation and What do they do?
Sciensation aims at taking science to various types of audiences, in a way they can understand. Our short-term goal is to improve school level science education.

What is Consilience?
People with arts background get you red dots and science people get you blue dots. When you connect diverse dots, non-linear solutions emerge.
 If teamwork emerges from trust, Consilience is the next level, it emerges from insanity.

Why am I made to read this?
We are giving talks at several educational institutes of the country. This would provide us an opportunity to reach the insane and get them on-board. We need your help, in arranging a talk, at your place.

What are the talks based on? 
The content depends on the type of people we are scouting for. For instance, we would be looking for designers at an Arts Department and the talk would emphasize on our notion of Design.

Science Institutions: Making scientific idea-exchange intuitive
Engineering: How consilience can transform engineering
Commerce: Alternate Revenue Models
Management: Evolution of HR and its future
Design: The language of Design, an entrepreneur's tool
Law: Entrepreneur- messiah of the Capitalist age

What is Sciensation working on?

Operation Economics:
What does this ten rupee note in your hand mean? 
What is inflation, is it bad? What do the central bankers do? 
Socialism or Capitalism, how about the Swedish model?
Is it too complex? Do we need to understand this? Can we delegate these, to the economists?

The world is progressing, anchored by an economic lens. An important prerequisite for a vibrant economy is economic literacy. This operation involved development and delivery of popular-economics content, at various levels. Economics will reach the masses, atleast as long as the Biryani Boys get going!

HR Rancho: The best designer does HR and may be designing! The best player, a people's person, as a HR. Building the A-team needs HR Leadership and needs revisiting HR Management.
Jack Welch, ex-CEO of GEO, feels that Director of HR must be  right next to the CEO, in the hierarchy. However, they are relegated to be the health and wellness party. Not for long, the Biryani Boys are coming!

Design Steve:  People expect you to deliver, before they can trust. Product building means risk. Risk is about promise. We need to show promise.We need design to show that. Design helps in telling the story about the future, which we are going to create quite soon. 

Design is about feeding visual cues to the inherent abilities and hence position the product, in the mind, at the place where it has to be. This is not Design, this is spirituality! Hell yeah! Biryani Boys will get going!

Crazy Engineering: We make crazy system of gears on which the marketing material is placed. Who said the bones don't have life? Only crazy engineering-solutions enable craziness, with love, from Biryani Boys.

Marketing: Marketing has been evolving with several technological revolutions changing communication. This calls for Marketing 3.0. At sciensation, Marketing is integrated with content development.

There is an opportunity out there.
If we can realize the possibilities.
But that needs Consilience.
which needs the A-Players
This is the hunt for them
The Biryani Boys are waiting! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013


The innocent smile of baby
The persistent flow of a river
The burning eyes of a lion
The colossal ruins of a temple
The eternal artillery of a poet

Soul Language
Primeval Prose
Intuitive Expressions
Natural Metaphors
True Poetry

We have have to reduce
We may have to rediscover
We may have to reinvent
We may have to redefine
We may have to rethink


Those who can listen
Those who can see
Those who can speak
Those who can feel and convey
The Language of a brand

This is the quest for you
This is the noise for you
So that you could find us
So that you could join us
We are the Pirates!

There you go! My noise has reached you.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Winners Attitude: 'Lion-man'

Life is often compared with war. There are some interesting projections which emerge from this setting.This article will tell a few stories, provoke some thoughts and leave questions.

There is a good reason why a group of Lions is called a pride. Lion's attitude is oblivious to hunger. . Its trust, they trust themselves. Trust that once the hunt begins, it won't end until it is accomplished.

The Lion's eyes before the battle have an answer to your questions. The head points towards the ground, the eyes towards the sky, small and focused on the target . The mind, body, heart and soul are in unison and the emergent energy shows up as 'krodham', through the eyes.  From the krodham, emerges a smile. It is a smile of victory. A smile of victory even before the victory is achieved.

A Lion is aware of the struggle for survival, but it seem as thought it is not conscious of it. One needs to be oblivious of competition and hunt goals with the vengeance of a Lion. Abilities will carve a niche and guard it, hence destroying and banishing competition. 

What do we learn from the lions? Winning! Winning-attitude is when the soul reach a destination- the path! On that path, the world seems like a reflection of its own. Competitors are returned a smile. Fools are not even visible. The soul connects with the others through a bond called trust, even in the medium of pessimism.
But, why would we want to learn from nature? I could and I will write a blog-post on that. Evolution is to humans and revolution is to Technology. It takes ages for our body to adapt to the technology we live with. The body's requirement can only be understood when we go back to the days when we were hunter-gatherers. Our mental, emotional and physical requirements can only be understand in that setting.

"You have a responsibiltiy over the effort, never against its fruit"- Srimadbhagawadgeetha 
"It's not about giving your life for your motherland, it is making the other soldier die for his country"- George Patton 
Do these quotes go together? So do you care about the outcome? Do competitors exist? These quotes seem to be inconsistent. They are the barriers which blur the thoughts which inspired my theory of "winning attitude". Lets see a few illustrations.

When one performs an art with his heart and soul in unison, the peacocks shall dance to the art's tunes.
So, genuine films can generate revenue. A film director said "My films should get both money and awards". This demonstrates the consistency and the emergent winning attitude. 

One could also talk about the Australian cricket team which always targets the stumps. So when you need a direct-hit, you get it. Pressure is not something which can annihilate them.

The journey is not an easy one. But remember that difficulty creates scarcity and scarcity creates value. When it gets difficult tell yourself- "The night is the darkest just before the dawn and the dawn is not far"

Socrates preached that one must act in way which doesn't hurt his soul. Thus selfish intent is no different from social benefit. My theory of "Winning attitude" is about staying true to the soul and hunting goals. It's about flowing free, surpassing all barriers and emerging victorious. You win your soul!

The greatest battles are fought in one's mind. You fight yourself. When you champion yourself, you don't have a competitor. Competition transforms to collaboration, as not many can face the wrath of a champion. When champions fight, it is not a zero-sum game anymore, you could have a single victor but everyone gains. 

This journey of the soul is about discovering your mind, your heart and your body. Transferring these ideas seems to be beyond a mortal's cognitive and communicative skills..You can see that in the eyes of a person whose soul believes to have conquered the world. Hunt your goals and the attitude will find you someday. It does need the company of 'disovered' souls!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Kala is your Athmaspandana,
Art is your soul-saying!
If you have true emotion within,
it emerges as a divine raaga.

If you have a bhavam,
the padas and the swaras,
come down to unite with,
and unleash the kala

Understand the inner meaning of you
you- your mind,body,heart and soul,
Understand what it means to rediscover yourself
you- your soul, emerges from the rest

The greatest place in this universe,
is much closer than u think-it's within you,
this prapancham -the world exists,
since you and your indriyaas exist.

Body is built to take,
what seems like pain,
so, it has to take it.
For, creation's cause is karma.

So do you wanna stay at this place,
the pinnacle of glory-as a few called it,
but the pravaaham is anohyam,
you have to flow with the stream.

Your mind needs to hunt,
unconscious of the ranam,
this resulted in a creation,
creation of what we call science

Your heart needs to flow,
we learnt art from nature,
you need to give it back,
this evolved the arts.

So pursue science,
with the pride of a lion,
plunge into the arts,
the peacocks shall dance.
You'd have to be on ur toes,
it vanishes before you could realize.
It wont, if you are up for it,
you will rise beyond the mortals!

Explore the world within u,
enough to recognize it,
Pursue the art with purity,
and immerse yourself into it.

You can never find this,
you wait for it to find you.
You need to know it so well,
that you'd recognize it, in time.

You don't always have true emotions,
so you try and master the art.
but when you get them,
you screw the rules! 

And start thanking all the gods,
all the gods, you know of!
I already did, just now!
Please accept my Aavahana!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Great organizations are born with strong motivations and aspirations. They evolve over time and get a DNA of their own. What connects them through time is vision,mission and values.


To be India's single largest brand for "Science"


To market "Science"


Innovate,Evolve,Market and Lead "Science"


"To market science"
Sheer joy of doing it should drive science, discover and market the produce later.
Sciensation is about discovering and marketing the produce.

Science as Content
"You tell me and I will forget, Show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand"-A Chinese Proverb
"Science is nothing but a refinement of everyday thinking"-Albert Einstein
They tell, 'How' and 'Why' science makes good content

Communication Channels: 
Visual: Television,Films,Documentaries
Live: Events,Talks,Demos
Web: Forum,Socialnetworksites,website,Computer Games

Science for Solutions
Problem solving in the light of science
The new approach towards science will be an asset
Nextgen marketers and cool science is a lethal combo


"Keep thinking abstract, when time comes we can be a little practical! Now this will make the vision statement too huge! Day-dreamers they call them!"
Google was a search engine and now the icon for web-based innovations.
Sciensation strives at being its counterpart for science(education,communication,industrial consulting etc).

Revenue Models
"Well run technology businesses with a customerbase make money over the longrun"-Larry Page, Co-Founder, Google
So, its time for Brand-building and discovering the DNA. Monetary benefits are a byproduct of the good work to follow. Revenue models evolve, adapting to markets. Sciensation is the umbrella brand over which many more brand like our Event-Cell, Video-Production,PrintMedia will be built.

Initial Focus
Bootstrapping phase focus is on brand-building and discovering the DNA.
Target Audience: High school students
Medium: Events,Films, Forum and Books

The Network Phenomenon
A network of scientists,business consultants,mass media professionals and audiences. A Network of professionals who make seemingly impossible stuff possible if not ridiculously easy.

There is plenty of content available on the internet thanks to the digital revolution. But whats needed is a network of experts and peers to guide the audiences.

Network Phenomenon is a two-word answer to several problems pursued by Sciensation

The Workplace
An employee centered organization! Selling what you make is marketing1.0, now this comes repackaged with marketing3.0 as Sciensation.
"Just do it, Sciensation will market it!"
Massmedia professionals will take the scientist's work to the masses. A business consultant who understands "science" will bridge the gap between the industry and the scientists. The Network Phenomenon again!


"Dear Sciensation, discover and be yourself
People will follow, and you will Lead Science"

Edutainment was visualized way back and Sciensation will realize it.
The problem with problem solving is that one solution leads to many more problems.
This should that drive science and innovation
Understand and Package Science

Science and Sciensation have no boundaries
Printing technology,marketing,event management, film production are seen through a scientific perspective and innovations are brought out as a result of that. Adapt to the market scenario, to realize the mission(guided by the vision and values)

A brand which can and will support, sustain ,spread and sells "Science".
A brand always with you,for 'sciency' matters
A brand which sells cool 'sciency' ideas

"Employees First, Customers Second"
"Don't Think Evil"
Enjoyable Workplace and Entrepreneurial Employees
Our brains in synergy through Intellectual Discussions
Our mission our journey will connect us, the day-dreamers
Our way to strive for a better world and we are up for it

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trust connects People

Manishi antene Manchivadu
Manishini Manishini Kalipedi Nammakam
Manchi Manchinichudatam valane perugutundi
Manchi mellaga perugutundi kaani nilichipotundi

Humans have evolved an amazingly complex social system, making it impossible to survive without interacting with the others. I claim that "trust" is what connects people and makes you understand them.

My second-hand bike was troubling me since last December. I took it to a mechanic, last week.A lot of parts were changed and I had to shell out about three thousand rupees. I was suspicious, I felt they were trying to rip me off. All I could do was, to trust them. I decided to observe the work, before jumping to conclusions. 

It was an amazing moment once the bike was handed over to me. I left the clutch and it jumped forward. The mechanic said "Bhaiyya uska pickup masth hogaya hain...thoda dheera nikaalo". I couldn't believe that. It took us three days to figure out the actual problem. We changed a lot of old parts(CDI,Battery,Engine oil,tyres,Clutch plate,Pressure plate). The only way I could connect with the mechanic was by trusting him.

The garage(National Garage,Pashan) is run by Bengalis. I realized people who work hard for their food, know the value of hard-earned money. They would never feel like cheating. They had refused to take money for a minor repair, yesterday. They said, we understand the problems of students and we don't change parts unnecessarily. She was quite amused to know about our institute and the course I was doing.

Trust is an important thing and it drives stock markets. Blind trust is not good, it crashes stock markets and causes great depressions.

Trust is the foundation of any Social system. You wouldn't be using your phone/laptop to read this post, unless you trust the manufacturer. I wouldn't drive that vehicle, unless I trust "Bajaj". You eat at a restaurant, trusting the chef over there. Basically every human is good and its only trust which connect you with him and bring the "good" in him. The way to express this "trust" in through a smile. I repeat trust connects people and the best language is a smile. Keep smiling, spread smiles :)