Saturday, December 1, 2012

Leadership: Hear your Soul

Why does Leadership crash? Are Leaders really self-less? Why do Leaders emerge from revolutions? Such questions immersed me into a journey of great thoughts.

A Leader has a vision, driven by not necessarily money or fame. He motivates like minded people into what would intially be just his cause. People's time,money and effort go in. They follow him,expecting a fruit. Self-interest drives everyone. A Leader must know that and tame his self interest, but not too much to kill his originality.

The apparent need to consolidate his power and to keep his words, is the root cause of misdirected Leadership. False sense of reputation/image is dangerous. It takes experience and character, to rise beyond ego and pride.

Nobody is 'God' and it's okay to have flaws exposed. Facing criticism is quite essential. Iron has to be horribly smelted,to put to use. Best bet is to keep things funny. "If you wanna say something on my back, come to me I will tell you more". This realization kills ego and hence enlightens the soul within.

A Leader must know-"Vision not goals". Leader is one who evolves with time. Goals will either change or just remain goals. Vision guides against time. Goals just shape the journey. Success is more of a journey than a goal. Deep vision helps finding life in the journey and an answer within the question.

The Gita says, "be oblivious of victory and defeat". Vision is above everything and not mere exam grades or money. Work with hunger, but don't hope for result. Expectation is the root cause for resentment. Work and wait for a surprise, deserve but don't desire. Love your heart, keep giving it surprises.Disappoint the disappointment with your efforts.

"A Leader must be self-less"! Not a saint, devoid of wealth and materialistic needs. Selfless means learning to put people ahead of oneself, not to lose yourself. It also means taming of necessary evils like ego and pride within. It's the fire which keeps a train moving,but constrain it to the engine.

Purity is just one side of the Leadership story. Understanding the team is the other. That's impossible by bypassing talking. A Leader must interact and maintain transparency in the troop. People have given in everything, to get something. It is the Leader who must ensure justice to their efforts.

Mistakes happen and optimality is usually not a reality. The Leader must resolve them. This responsibility differentiates a  Leader from a follower. Problem solving is the joy of life. Would the world be so beautiful without a struggle for existence? The Leader absorbs the struggle and shows the beauty. It is easy to get carried away! Remember, Leader's job is not to be nice to people, it is to make them better.

I call this "Simhatatvam". Can you hear it? Discover yourself and listen to your inner voice! If it is all going right, this heavenly sound is comparable to no godly creation but the roaring of a Simham. Heard that? It is this Simham within, which gives a deaf ear to criticism. It provides strength for the struggle. Simhatatvam gets you respect, but beware! The wicked wolf ego lives by its grace. You are either a master or a slave, so tame them.

Inspiring Leadership can make wonders happen. It unites the faculties in people and converts resources into utility. True Leadership is a great feeling. You lose yourself and then find oneself at the "pinnacle of glory". Thank god there are worldly troubles, to return back safely!

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