Is Leadership lonely?
Is it lonely at the top?
Is it tiring to influence people?
Is it tiring to fight oppression?
Is a dialogue tiring, with the sheep,
trust when they trust the butcher?
Is a dialogue tiring, with instincts?
Are you speaking to yourself?
Why me? Do you ask yourself?
Are these challenges breaking you?
Is the world hounding you?
Is Leadership tiring?
Not until you transcend yourself,
Not until the spirit re-arrives,
Not until the pinnacle meets you again,
Not until the Dark Knight meets you again,
You advance to a high, you experience bliss,
You are invincible, your glory is eternal,
You have solutions, no problem is spared,
You carry people together, you're the Dark Knight!
Every problem, every challenge is an arrow,
That pierces through your torso, but you'd just,
pull it out and your head rises, is held high,
with pride, it rises, you're the Dark Knight!
Your horse is marching swiftly, you're dancing,
You're moving up and down, your head is still,
You've got the smile, you've got the pride,
You've got the swag, you're the Dark Knight!
You cut through problems, your ego tears them all,
You run and strike the adversary, Thunder is heard!
You're a delight for the gods to watch, you're brutal!
You get back to your horse, you're the Dark Knight,
You think several steps ahead of the others,
You're several steps ahead of self, you think of the others
You're the bridge between Antaryam and Antaryami,
You're an enigma, you're the Dark Knight
You've got a beautiful word, you're alone,
The world admires you, the world hates you,
You get the care, you get the support,
You're a force, you're the Dark Knight!
Someone's self-esteem is low, they look at you,
They gain self belief, you've not spoke a word,
your life, your struggles (they think so) speak,
you are the voice, you're the Dark Knight!
Everyone entrusts their problems with you,
but your human limitation comes back,
you experience personal emotions, you look for support,
you forget that you're human, you're the Dark Knight!
You are the reason for ambition,
You inspire people with your spirit,
You don't have to speak, Your eyes do,
The look says it, you're the Dark Knight!
Did you realize, this is not you, but this is you!
This is Steve Jobs, this is Mahatma Gandhi, this is revolution,
your spirit has transcended, to meet a bigger self,
The Atman now equals the Brahman, you're the Dark Knight!
You leave the pages of history to the heroes,
You leave the adulation, to the human within,
You leave the scars behind, your head is held high
You leave yourself behind, you're the Dark Knight
Ah, I was there, I was just there, I wanna get back,
When I am high, I am myself, but when I'm torn,
I look inwards, I question thyself, I meet the new me,
I leave me, I transcend, I become the Dark Knight!
Me and you are not different, there is a bigger spirit,
An ocean, a confluence of all our spirit is waiting,
A new world is waiting for all of us,
We all can transcend into being the Dark Knight!
Do you hear the pinnacle?
Do you hear youself?
Are you the Dark Knight?
Have you become the Dark Knight?
The Atman now equals the Brahman, you're the Dark Knight! May you please elaborate on this.