Our mind dismisses off a few possibilities,
Our cognitive experience can't see these happening,
Language calls these the impossible,
but do we really have such things?
How do we dismiss something?
Just because we cant see it happening?
What if our intuition is wrong?
Why would we say that?
Is 1+1 always equal to 2?
Don't we have a proof that way?
Don't we have a 200 page proof?
Are we taking it for granted?
May be it isn't? But why?
Maybe compound exceeds some of the parts!
Maybe we are failing to look at these experiences!
Maybe we are forgetting emergent phenomenon!
If sodium is poisonous, if Chlorine is poisonous,
how is it that we eat salt everyday?
Why do sodium and chlorine have to complement each other?
Why does the impossible emergence have to happen?
If a designer, a coder and a business guy can do something,
how can a company emerge out of their work?
Why do their differences keep them together, with success?
Why does this impossible emergence have to happen?
Let me tell you the story of one more impossible emergence,
red gave up, blue gave up, on emergence, they dismissed it,
red was wonderful, blue was awesome, red asked blue out,
and then came out a magical color, one which contains everything
There are moments where red supports blue,
there are moments where blue supports red,
but the percentage ain't equal, nature ain't symmetric,
so one supports the other more, so the contribution is assymetric!
So, blue asked red if she is contributing enough?
she asked what if someother color could do better?
blue asked red if she is pissing red off?
she asked red if blue deserved this?
Red didn't know how to answer,
even if blue didn't contribute at all,
red still gains more from being together,
red is happy, blue is happy, magic emerges
This is something Ayn Rand wouldnt understand,
just the feeling of contributing does more to Red,
than anything else and that's the root of happiness,
and not mere self-centric, egoistic math,
Red's happiness lies in seeing Blue come together,
and there comes the impossible emergence,
happiness is in seeing others happy,
especially the one who brings out the impossible emergence
But then this won't last long,
nature loves symmetries, nature love equalities,
the contribution will soon appear equal
as diffusion will happen, emergence goes to a new level
When that happens, Red can't troll Ayn Rand anymore,
Red can't make Blue feel this special anymore,
so Red wants to rejoice this before its gone,
Red wants to rejoice the struggle before the glory
The world looks at the outcome, they search for the history,
but the victor looks at the pains which the world wouldnt know,
the pain is sweeter than the artificial words of the world,
which always sides by you when you're good
So Red is out there trying to explain Blue, why this is awesome,
there is a Red in you, there is a blue in you, can you connect them,
nature brings out a few combinations, which dismiss the impossible,
I hope you can see the impossible emergence, unleash it!
Our cognitive experience can't see these happening,
Language calls these the impossible,
but do we really have such things?
How do we dismiss something?
Just because we cant see it happening?
What if our intuition is wrong?
Why would we say that?
Is 1+1 always equal to 2?
Don't we have a proof that way?
Don't we have a 200 page proof?
Are we taking it for granted?
May be it isn't? But why?
Maybe compound exceeds some of the parts!
Maybe we are failing to look at these experiences!
Maybe we are forgetting emergent phenomenon!
If sodium is poisonous, if Chlorine is poisonous,
how is it that we eat salt everyday?
Why do sodium and chlorine have to complement each other?
Why does the impossible emergence have to happen?
If a designer, a coder and a business guy can do something,
how can a company emerge out of their work?
Why do their differences keep them together, with success?
Why does this impossible emergence have to happen?
Let me tell you the story of one more impossible emergence,
red gave up, blue gave up, on emergence, they dismissed it,
red was wonderful, blue was awesome, red asked blue out,
and then came out a magical color, one which contains everything
There are moments where red supports blue,
there are moments where blue supports red,
but the percentage ain't equal, nature ain't symmetric,
so one supports the other more, so the contribution is assymetric!
So, blue asked red if she is contributing enough?
she asked what if someother color could do better?
blue asked red if she is pissing red off?
she asked red if blue deserved this?
Red didn't know how to answer,
even if blue didn't contribute at all,
red still gains more from being together,
red is happy, blue is happy, magic emerges
This is something Ayn Rand wouldnt understand,
just the feeling of contributing does more to Red,
than anything else and that's the root of happiness,
and not mere self-centric, egoistic math,
Red's happiness lies in seeing Blue come together,
and there comes the impossible emergence,
happiness is in seeing others happy,
especially the one who brings out the impossible emergence
But then this won't last long,
nature loves symmetries, nature love equalities,
the contribution will soon appear equal
as diffusion will happen, emergence goes to a new level
When that happens, Red can't troll Ayn Rand anymore,
Red can't make Blue feel this special anymore,
so Red wants to rejoice this before its gone,
Red wants to rejoice the struggle before the glory
The world looks at the outcome, they search for the history,
but the victor looks at the pains which the world wouldnt know,
the pain is sweeter than the artificial words of the world,
which always sides by you when you're good
So Red is out there trying to explain Blue, why this is awesome,
there is a Red in you, there is a blue in you, can you connect them,
nature brings out a few combinations, which dismiss the impossible,
I hope you can see the impossible emergence, unleash it!
I see! :p