Don't go there, you'll be hurt
parents scream out of love, we don't care,
Don't do that, it's a huge risk,
mentors scream out of care, we don't care
Did I change or am I still like that five year old?
May be people have outgrown, maybe status-quo is inevitable!
Why am I still like that five year old child?
May be it is this childish ambition which keeps me going!
As a baby, we were very explorative,
there were so many things we liked,
As an adult, I'm the same, I take massive risks,
but not as many things which I like
Do I realize that it is just a piece of plastic?
Why did I lose interest in all those toys?
Am I now going after the real things?
Why only a few things? Why so few?
May be it is not just a few things,
May be it is just one thing which I love so much,
I'd probably forego anything for that thing,
I'd probably die for that one thing
May I'll have to fight a lot of battles,
May be I'll have to pick my battles,
May be I'll to have lose a lot of battles,
I may have to lose myself
I may have to lose myself,
I may have to lose everything,
it may be nasty, but can I take it?
it may be draining, but do I have the mental strength?
I have had a bad past, I have been hurt!
I am scared, I am scared of being hurt!
I am scared of my past, i'm scared that it'd repeat!
But I realize something, I do realize something
I'm a hurt Leader, I can only disappoint,
I can disappoint disappointment,
I'm a Leader, I have got character,
my past has only hardened me up
I have never seen success in defeating others,
I have never seen success in winning my battles,
I have seen my success in losing myself,
I have seen my success in making my people win
As a child, I loved to win, I love to succeed,
As a leader, I loved to lose, I love to let go,
As a child, I loved to fight, I loved to conquer,
As a leader, I love to see beyond, I love to dream
Whenever I see a personal pain,
I move away from myself, I move away,
I see it through the society's lens,
I kill my ego, I kill my self-interest
Did I really kill my self-interest?
Am I selfish? Am I self-centered?
Maybe I'm Socratic selfish,
Maybe I'm promoting my virtues
Can people see this? Can people understand?
My selfishness is not derived from Ayn Rand,
but my virtues and my self-interest are derived from Socrates,
I'm harder when I lose this self obsession
Yes, I'd have to lose my self obsession,
I represent something, I am beyond me,
once I can see the great ideals I represent,
no pain can hurt me, no such pain was ever born
Pain can hurt a human, events can hurt a person,
but ideas are immortal, what if I am an idea?
Socrates died and I continue, I can die,
but the idea shall not die, I am immortal
But, am I a human or am I an animal?
Am I good or am I bad?
Am I strong or am I weak?
Am I a person or am I a leader?
This is a conflict, one which tries to hurt,
a conflict between the animal and the human,
between strength and between values,
but who can help me win this conflict?
The force is within me,
The world is within me,
All the people are me,
If they win, don't I win?
And so yeah, if I lose and if they win,
I do win, I can never lose, for all players are me,
I do realize so many lesson which pain teaches,
pain lets me disappoint disappointment
Once I look beyond myself,
once I see success in the world's success,
I see that I cannot lose, I have been hurt enough,
I am a Hurt Leader, I have failed enough
I am a Hurt Leader,
the most powerful force,
which has changed mankind,
althrough history
I am a Hurt Leader,
I see those highs which were seen,
these were only known to poets and leaders,
and these keep me going, my secret power!
I am a Hurt Leader,
I have experienced so many strokes of intellect,
I have gained the wisdom,
which can push the human race forward
I shall store these great moments,
I shall treasure these invaluable experiences,
until I'd get hurt again, I shall store them
I am a Hurt Leader