I feel that our education system needs a change, just like how many of you do, but just thinking about this and leaving it there won’t do. It is easy to blame the guys sitting in the board management for this, but it isn’t easy for us to make a system better than them.
We should applaud them for doing a gr8 job, but that isn’t the ultimate one. There is room for change. We need to debate a lot about this issue and do our bit towards this. The teachers and students combined can always change this system. If something is really good, just initiate it and nature will take care of it, it will progress.
People are concerned about the marks in CBSE which are a function of last min study and also the guides like Together, Goyal etc and not really regarding concepts. How many students would really understand the steps they do in math? Is it right that even a student who would probably be the future of science later, actually learns the same as the others? Yes, he would master it. But how many years does he need to master basics? Can’t we design new methods to catalyze this process? And is everyone learning the basics?
Just check this example---
I asked the students a very elementary thing which they might have learnt in class1 or 2 perhaps...There are 20people and we need 4teams, how many players will be there per team. All of them screamed 5 per team. Firstly no one questioned if each team had same number of players, agreed that they are too small to think so precisely. Then i asked them how they got, I asked them to explain it to me If I m an illiterate and don’t know about division...Many of them were blank. Our education system stresses a lot on marks which in turn tests last min preparation more...Agreed this makes the student practice hard and learn basic processes...but not many learn the basis for the process.
IITJEE has brought a good thing into our system...at least few institutions like FIITJEE, EVENS Classes are able to pay their teachers well and impart quality education to a few students thanks to the IITJEE-Business...Or else who on earth would pay some one for teaching things apart from the curriculum...
Indians excel in exams and study well...this is known world wide..but they lag behind in few things! why?
Probably everyone scolds the system, but do we even care about how to change it??? How do we change it...Some say they will open their school? But why would a parent join his/her kid in a school where the education is uncertain.. Some say coaching centers do it, but they don’t teach basics well...as they can manage marks without basics, and some teach redundant things...Example...say these coaching classes for 8-10 aim for Ramiah.. The exam which doesn’t demand calculus.. so der is no point for them to teach calculus or other imp basics which can be learnt in class9 or class10.Coaching Centers run their bussiness, but system does it to develop talent pool!
We end up learning 3 languages at the time, when our mind is ready to grasp things.. We could well learn some math...After significant amt of math is learnt, Physics can be taught...Most people mistake Physics as facts(especially CBSE has crap). Chemistry can be learnt once basics regarding charges are taught...
The drawback behind this is also the fact that during 11th they do not find time to practice it and master the concepts due to the pressure of competitive examinations, thanks to the huge Indian population and limited colleges. These basics must be learnt perfectly if at all we need to develop good talent pool, so why not teach them basics in class10 when there is no pressure...???
We often compare IIT s to MIT or some university abroad and say that IIT s lag behind them and we need to follow their system here. But, generally we don’t care much about k12 education.
When you ask this question, the board says its difficult to teach these things as it would add to existing pressure.. Teachers are busy with correction of question papers and also mentoring the students who find the subject difficult..So it would really be harsh to blame them!
Many schools would actually not allow this due to the reasons discussed above...But my school is one of the few ones which is open to good suggestions...My friends were ready to use their holidays to contribute for the change.. The teachers here were ready to add up to existing duties, to help us out in bringing this change. We wanted to teach these students these few important things and make them start thinking, limiting the use of textbooks and increasing the application of their brain which would have the best grasping power of their life at that point of time...
And may be a few others would join next year and this would become a trend where students contribute at the time when they are free and they are willing to do anything for this.. Just check our schedule these days, we are waiting for college to start and don’t have many works or any responsibilities as the teachers do.. So we can assemble notes from books selectively, we can create problems easily...We have the time to do these things, things which are needed as there are no resources.. except for say a few good books like HC Verma, Raymond Chang which again have their own drawbacks...
Many would say, what big thing are you doing by doing class11 things in 10 and accelerating the process...Well then I emphasize on my point that I am gonna start from basics of class2 which were forgotten after the exams, till the stage of Calculus...Who said we cannot grasp Differentiation in class10...I did it, my friends did it, Russians and Americans do it! If we learn it once in class10...then our misconceptions get erased once we enter class11 and we visualize the ideas better and develop lot better ideas regarding the subject...
I don’t intend to insult any education board, I only intend to bring a change and help the meritorious students get inputs...just like how good sportsmen get to play national level and state level games...Please do not take the name of Olympiads here... How the hell would a student answer Olympiads when the concepts involved in the problem are not a part of his curiculum.. At least when the time is limited he is not in a position to do it....
The purpose behind writing this big blog was to make people think about this issue, give suggestions and also implement this.. More schools should follow this and more students should be inspired in taking up Mathematics and Sciences...After all engineers and Scientists are our future and not sportsman or fashion guys..
I did manage to spoil a few students...lol...to make them abandom TV,computers,sports and fall in love with these wonderful subjects which are the future of mankind...
I am probably too young to talk of these.. But at least I know about the journey till class12.. I hope people would concentrate on this topic rather than my performance in exams…such discussions will not be entertained.
So Lets us the get the Change!!! It may sound ridiculously, but it is not...It makes sense.. just think about this and pour in your suggestions.. Even if u are opposed to this,
At last but not the least I thank my school for helping to initiate the change and I am grateful to them for showing faith in my group! After all we are the products of their teaching, which is very know to impart right values from the very beginning of the wonderful process of education !!!
I hope the blog helps serves as the medium for communication regarding this change!!!
Disclaimer: This is an online debate, not intended to hurt any body(infact it applauds CBSE for selection of right concepts to be taught to everyone who needs basics of math, it only emphasizes the need of special attention to special guys who would be the future of the country)
I dont entertain any personal attack by critics of this system..
ReplyDeleteThis is the voice of several teachers and students!
I just took the risky step of debating this!!!
But can all become scientists researcher etc.Then who will do other jobs.Besides,one must understand that the instructors at educational institutions aren't IIT graduates.They lack experiences(No hard feelings).So its the students task to find want he wants and learn.Einstein or Ramanujam didn't go to IITs or MITs for their studies.But they worked hard.Besides Phy,Che and Math doesn't alone make a good person.One must have some other talents too which are these days nurtured only in our schools and most of the entrance coaching centers doesn't(There may be exceptions..but I conclude generally).So there isn't any thing too bad with our system except for those "reservations"(I rather not speak of this).Education should be for one who seeks for it and not for anyone who is not capable for it.
ReplyDeleteHi.. gasrules2 here
ReplyDeleteTo the point o discussion
1>i support the teaching of languages since its an important aspect of education. Its got a 2 fold advantage.. that is it not just trains you for the basic interpretation n communication skills, but also is an integral part of ur memory building.nou u may argue that it is such a rote n useless thing. But I speak of ppl like me who gave up on hem since we felt they suked.but now we suffer with bad memory and u wil need a basic memory for maths,phy and chem. That’s y I m weak at maths.n so many ppl cant remember names n such things tht eventually lead to their slow down in progress. So please do not ignore memory building.as far as I know, many things in sciences also demand a good level of memory.. How else wil u know where 2 advance from.. u keep forgetting n enter lapses.
Its like a comp wid highly limited memory. So languages r quite important in education
In addition I would lik 2 add tht history is an important way of learning our culture and respecting every thing ppl have done till date and also keeping that in mind as a motivation /inspiration to keep moving forward
2>u say calculus must b taughtn its quite integral in ones life.i say no. know I could live without it.. my comp would satisfy my needs.
In either case point I tht in foreighn countries children r taught stuff at a young age n they too have no need of a complete detailed knowledge of these kind of topics. They need the basi knowledge to go abot in their field. Here is where I would like 2 say Indian thinking and education is bad.
If u go 2 russia.. they learn their calculus n stuff like we learn languages. Same amount of comprehensive power is needed. but the difference is when there is a student smart enough to pioneer more interesting stuff in their field. Tht is what education must tend to. That is why I complain about Indian systems. U see, its free thinking and its development that education should actually nurture and tht is what many foreign universities do. U r a person who likes maths so u need a very advanced knowledge about it. Not I because I like physics and not a biology student who can do bigger wonders than us.. if u see the possibilities, its endless.
So i want to say that if education must be changed, it should be flexible and logical to give only knowledge tht we like to know.
This is because I believe that progress in mankind is a combined effort n should be done in that way
But oue education systems(worldwide) fail here.
Why? Because they never give value to the need of making ppl with better character, finally making selfish and profit oriented ppl who inturn slow down progress.
Thus I would like to commend tht an education system which is more thought oriented an memory oriented along wit th ability to give a student a choice 2 do what he likes (as a course in education) is a good start but not the end step for a better education system.
u r one of the most narrow minded ppl i have ever met who thinks really too much of himself/herself....
ReplyDeletejust because u dont agree with something doesnt mean much really...i mean its ur blog...so u can write any shit..its upto u...but cbse is really good according to me(not that what i think matter much too)...it really tests the endurance of a student to the extent which is necessary..just becase a student doesnt think the way "U" want him to is really not the point of contention here...he may not become a scientist but he may become a social reformer for all we know...one other thing i noticed is ur hatred for social with ur talks with me...stupid really...just like u..
i'll respond more later..enough for one quota for u
well written article but the flaws in it are innumerable.
ReplyDeleteYou fail to highlight the main flaws in the indian system.for eg:in the indian system retention or memory is given precedence over intelligence.this is just one example but they are many other flaws.
the attempt is commendable..well done