Thursday, February 21, 2013


Great organizations are born with strong motivations and aspirations. They evolve over time and get a DNA of their own. What connects them through time is vision,mission and values.


To be India's single largest brand for "Science"


To market "Science"


Innovate,Evolve,Market and Lead "Science"


"To market science"
Sheer joy of doing it should drive science, discover and market the produce later.
Sciensation is about discovering and marketing the produce.

Science as Content
"You tell me and I will forget, Show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand"-A Chinese Proverb
"Science is nothing but a refinement of everyday thinking"-Albert Einstein
They tell, 'How' and 'Why' science makes good content

Communication Channels: 
Visual: Television,Films,Documentaries
Live: Events,Talks,Demos
Web: Forum,Socialnetworksites,website,Computer Games

Science for Solutions
Problem solving in the light of science
The new approach towards science will be an asset
Nextgen marketers and cool science is a lethal combo


"Keep thinking abstract, when time comes we can be a little practical! Now this will make the vision statement too huge! Day-dreamers they call them!"
Google was a search engine and now the icon for web-based innovations.
Sciensation strives at being its counterpart for science(education,communication,industrial consulting etc).

Revenue Models
"Well run technology businesses with a customerbase make money over the longrun"-Larry Page, Co-Founder, Google
So, its time for Brand-building and discovering the DNA. Monetary benefits are a byproduct of the good work to follow. Revenue models evolve, adapting to markets. Sciensation is the umbrella brand over which many more brand like our Event-Cell, Video-Production,PrintMedia will be built.

Initial Focus
Bootstrapping phase focus is on brand-building and discovering the DNA.
Target Audience: High school students
Medium: Events,Films, Forum and Books

The Network Phenomenon
A network of scientists,business consultants,mass media professionals and audiences. A Network of professionals who make seemingly impossible stuff possible if not ridiculously easy.

There is plenty of content available on the internet thanks to the digital revolution. But whats needed is a network of experts and peers to guide the audiences.

Network Phenomenon is a two-word answer to several problems pursued by Sciensation

The Workplace
An employee centered organization! Selling what you make is marketing1.0, now this comes repackaged with marketing3.0 as Sciensation.
"Just do it, Sciensation will market it!"
Massmedia professionals will take the scientist's work to the masses. A business consultant who understands "science" will bridge the gap between the industry and the scientists. The Network Phenomenon again!


"Dear Sciensation, discover and be yourself
People will follow, and you will Lead Science"

Edutainment was visualized way back and Sciensation will realize it.
The problem with problem solving is that one solution leads to many more problems.
This should that drive science and innovation
Understand and Package Science

Science and Sciensation have no boundaries
Printing technology,marketing,event management, film production are seen through a scientific perspective and innovations are brought out as a result of that. Adapt to the market scenario, to realize the mission(guided by the vision and values)

A brand which can and will support, sustain ,spread and sells "Science".
A brand always with you,for 'sciency' matters
A brand which sells cool 'sciency' ideas

"Employees First, Customers Second"
"Don't Think Evil"
Enjoyable Workplace and Entrepreneurial Employees
Our brains in synergy through Intellectual Discussions
Our mission our journey will connect us, the day-dreamers
Our way to strive for a better world and we are up for it

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trust connects People

Manishi antene Manchivadu
Manishini Manishini Kalipedi Nammakam
Manchi Manchinichudatam valane perugutundi
Manchi mellaga perugutundi kaani nilichipotundi

Humans have evolved an amazingly complex social system, making it impossible to survive without interacting with the others. I claim that "trust" is what connects people and makes you understand them.

My second-hand bike was troubling me since last December. I took it to a mechanic, last week.A lot of parts were changed and I had to shell out about three thousand rupees. I was suspicious, I felt they were trying to rip me off. All I could do was, to trust them. I decided to observe the work, before jumping to conclusions. 

It was an amazing moment once the bike was handed over to me. I left the clutch and it jumped forward. The mechanic said "Bhaiyya uska pickup masth hogaya hain...thoda dheera nikaalo". I couldn't believe that. It took us three days to figure out the actual problem. We changed a lot of old parts(CDI,Battery,Engine oil,tyres,Clutch plate,Pressure plate). The only way I could connect with the mechanic was by trusting him.

The garage(National Garage,Pashan) is run by Bengalis. I realized people who work hard for their food, know the value of hard-earned money. They would never feel like cheating. They had refused to take money for a minor repair, yesterday. They said, we understand the problems of students and we don't change parts unnecessarily. She was quite amused to know about our institute and the course I was doing.

Trust is an important thing and it drives stock markets. Blind trust is not good, it crashes stock markets and causes great depressions.

Trust is the foundation of any Social system. You wouldn't be using your phone/laptop to read this post, unless you trust the manufacturer. I wouldn't drive that vehicle, unless I trust "Bajaj". You eat at a restaurant, trusting the chef over there. Basically every human is good and its only trust which connect you with him and bring the "good" in him. The way to express this "trust" in through a smile. I repeat trust connects people and the best language is a smile. Keep smiling, spread smiles :)